After proper cleaning and sanitizing the trays were okay. However, after further review the trays do not appear in proper packaging in the photo so that should have been my indicator. I would not recommend purchasing from this seller.Took two attempts on both to get good fit. Careful not to overheat or they wilt and then they are useless.
Buy 4 Thermo-molding Custom Fitting Whitening Trays Now
First off, i like how the tab says "made in the USA"
second, these trays were designed to not fold over and stick together during the molding process.
I also like how they cover all my teeth. Good value. Fast shipping
Read Best Reviews of 4 Thermo-molding Custom Fitting Whitening Trays Here
Complete junk. A waste of time and money. Don't bother with these. Too thick and cheap. Might as well just burn your money.Want 4 Thermo-molding Custom Fitting Whitening Trays Discount?
They are to big for my mouth but should fit my husband's. I have been told by my dentist, though, I have a small mouth. I ordered to many but I like the fact the molds are made for top and bottom teeth andfit well.
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