Fake Bake Flawless, 6-Ounce

Fake Bake Flawless, 6-OunceWhen reviewing a self-tan product, I believe it's extremely important to introduce certain characteristics of the author in order for readers to determine whether the product should apply to them. Before I begin, I am 21 years old and extremely fair. As a child, I was decidedly ginger/strawberry blonde, so my skin WILL NOT tan not then, not now. I've tried a lot of sunless tanners throughout my middle school/high school/collegiate struggle to be tan (or at least a normal, non-ghost shade). This ranges from L'Oreals Sublime Bronze lotions/sprays, to Model Co. products, to Xen Tan, and lots of other brands.

As of now, this Fake Bake Flawless is my favorite self-tan product I've ever used. I'd argue that, when used properly, this is the best sunless tanner. The color guard in combination with the mitt makes sure I get every single square inch of my body, no streaks. It dried in minutes, and I was able to dress quickly. The liquid develops into a wonderful brown (not orange!) color, and it was even and believable. HOWEVER... it must be used properly :)

There are a few reviews on here that have complaints about this product that I'm going to address here (mostly noting why they're silly complaints). The first major complaint is "bottle leakage" the spray bottle that comes with the product is too long for the bottle. The natural solution I came up with was cutting down the straw to make it short enough to fit in the bottle and prevent leaks. CUT THE STRAW before you use and your Fake Bake won't leak! The second major complaint is about the application mitt. Some people say it leaves fuzzy stuff on them, some people say it should have velour on both sides, and some people think it won't last until the tanning product runs out. All of these are wrong. If you've shaved and don't press too hard, your mitt should NOT be leaving fuzzes on you. You're supposed to lightly buff the product on. If the mitt had velour on both sides, there would be risk for rubbing extra tanning solution in random places, most notably on your body where it can leave a streak. One of my biggest tips in using this product is WASH the mitt of all leftover tanning solution after each use. This will keep it in MUCH better shape.

To get the brown, amazing results that most reviewers gush about for this product... it's not hard. Here are some steps to follow.

Step 1: Shave and exfoliate with a Baiden mitten. If you don't know what it is, promptly go purchase it and use it and be amazed.

Step 2: Take some scissors and snip off a bit more than an inch of the spray bottle attachment that came with the product, and put the modified attachment onto the bottle. This WILL prevent all leaking.

Step 3: Apply sunless solution as per the directions, using the gloves and the mitt, spraying on the mitt and then LIGHTLY buffing the color all over (it's probably best to put a tiny dab of body lotion on your knees and elbows and ankles).

Step 4: This is my personal step that really helps me as an extremely pale person get a beautiful, even, brown tan. Everyone hates the tell-tale splotching on hands/feet that give away the fact that you're wearing a store bought tan.I highly recommend that every pale someone purchase a product called Xen Tan Blending Balm. Once you're done applying the tanner all over, including hands and feet, take your blending balm and go over your elbows, knees, ankles, knuckles, sides of feet/hands, and wrists. This will prevent the tan from developing into too-dark territory.

OVERALL... The Fake Bake Flawless system is fantastic. It's well-priced and delivers beautiful results (even for gingers), and beats the inconvenience associated with going to the spray tan place. When the correct measures are taken, it looks great for a long time. If you're looking for a deep, dark tropical tan, you'll need to apply it a few nights in a row. My advice is BUY THIS NOW. And then order some Xen Tan Blending Balm and a Baiden mitten (both very important!).

UPDATE: September 27, 2012

After finishing a whole bottle of Fake Bake, I'm happy to report that the velour mitten is still in tact. I'm adding this edit to emphasize how important it is to wash your mitten between uses. Washing the mitten also prevents leftover solution from becoming reactivated and leaving darker splotches in random places during application. Seriously yall, WASH YOUR MITTEN.

I used to use tanning beds to achieve my tan until one day I noticed a weird spot on my back and found out it was basal cell carcinoma. So now tanning beds are out and sunscreen is a must, but I missed having my glow. I began just trying any and every self-tanner that I could get my hands on, but I wasn't completely satisfied with anything until I tried Fake Bake Flawless. It really has everything you hope for in a self-tanner. It really truly smells the best of anything I've ever used (my boyfriend approves). The gloves and the mitt ensure that you wont get stained hands or streaks from application. The formula dries so quickly and you don't have to waste time waiting for it dry. It has a tint to show where you've applied it. The color is very flattering and natural looking, I think I almost gave my dermatologist a heart attack when I went in for a check up! He was like, "so how's the tanning going" and I just smiled and said, "oh, this is fake", so it even fooled a dermatologist! I also love the way this one fades off very evenly to, which has been a problem with others that I have tried. I haven't ever written one of these reviews for a product until now but I'm just so happy with this and I know how frustrating the hunt for the perfect tanner can be so I hope this helps someone else and saves them a lot of time and money spent!

Buy Fake Bake Flawless, 6-Ounce Now

UPDATE: I have gotten my Mom to get this, who is even more pale than I am and she LOVES it and swears by it. She gets a very natural color as well.


Let me just start off by saying that I am Polish, Finnish, and Irish. We are a pale, stout people meant to live in cold, dark places. Thusly, no matter what I do I cannot get a tan; I burn, or turn a sort of odd orangish color. It's really quite terrible. I digress.

I decided to test drive this product this summer, before I go to Hawaii in the winter, to give myself time to find a good fake tan. I have found it!!!!

I started by using it on my legs only, just in case it went badly. I followed directions and exfoliated quite well, shaved etc. I just used a rough washcloth and rubbed the heck out of my legs, knees and feet until I was smooth and clean. After making sure my skin was completely dry, I rubbed a small dab on Vitamin E Oil on my knee area and rubbed it in well, just to make sure they weren't too dry. Then, I applied the product. I followed the directions of going lightly over knees and ankles, making sure they were extended so it wasn't wrinkley, etc. The rest of it is pretty much self explanatory. The mitt worked well for me and was a nice touch. Also, I'm pretty sure this bottle will last me a LONG time. At least a few months of solid use, but perhaps even more!


1. It smells nice in the bottle. Sort of floral/tropical.

2. It has NO fake tan smell on your skin. I was expecting it and was ok with it if I tanned well, but I am both tan and NOTSMELLY!

3. The color guide really does help you see where it went, and also looks passable as a tan until your tan develops.

4. It dries quickly after you apply it so you don't have to stand around nekkid forever.

5. My tan looks nice. I went to bed, woke up and rinsed off my legs in the shower and that was it. So easy!


1. The spray part of my bottle was a little drippy so I had to keep wiping up little drips from my floor.

Really, that was it!

So anyways, I wholeheartedly recommend this product. I will be buying more soon to stock up!

Read Best Reviews of Fake Bake Flawless, 6-Ounce Here

I have tried practically every self tanner made and have also had spray-on tanning done in salons.It doesn't get any better than this.This is by far the easiest of them all to apply with the mitt.The color is the most natural and the mitt helps you get the most even application you can ask for from a self tanner.Remember, some color will wash down the drain when you next shower, but if you're not as dark as you'd like, reapply the next night.A couple hours before bed, shower and shave and use a rough exfoliating glove to remove surface dead skin.I also lightly apply an "in shower" body lotion or oil such as Alph Keri and gently rinse off.This keeps the product from collecting on any rough patches, elbows and knees.Dry off and air dry a couple minutes.Apply the product using the mitt with circular motions.I cover up in a lightlose sarong for an hour or two so that I'm sure it's dry.I put on silky pj's and go to bed.Next morning, shower, apply body lotion and go to work.Not perfect, but as good as it gets.

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I've got very pale skin, and for me.... this stuff turned me an odd color. I expected an odd color at first because of the color guide, but after washing it off the next morning, my skin was still an odd color. It wasn't that bright orange that some tanners have turned me, but it was still orangey and not a pretty color. To makes matters worse, every hair follicle was clearly darker than the rest of my skin. It looked as if I had some horrible skin disease. The color actually improved a bit as it started washing away 2 and 3 days after application, but I still appeared spotted. The only good note I have about the color is that there were no streaks, and it was even.

Application was certainly much easier than any other self-tanners I've tried, so that's a plus. I allowed the color to sit for a couple hours before going to bed, but it still stained my bedsheets; it washed out fine, but I'd suggest putting something over your sheets just in case.

To be fair, I tried this stuff 4-5 times and always got the same, not-so-great results. It may work for some, but it didn't work for me.

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