Luster 2 Minute White Kit: Accelerator Mouth Rinse & Super Whitener Gel

Luster 2 Minute White Kit: Accelerator Mouth Rinse & Super Whitener GelI bought this way cheaper elsewhere.

Here's the pro's, con's & tips.

I have used the product 4x this weekend, 2x more to go.

I'm already seeing results, so mileage may vary.

I have good teeth, but drink a lot of tea, so the lower half of my teeth are brown.

This product is like a 2 part epoxy.

The mouthwash preps your teeth.

The gel brightens them.

The best analogy I can provide is like a 30% hydrogen peroxide.

When you apply the gel, it bonds to the teeth.

It looks kind of pearly.

It commences fizzing.

Voila white teeth!


The cons are that you can hurt yourself using this product, & that it makes me thirsty.


Brush your teeth et al before using product.

Put a layer of Vaseline on lips so not to burn lips.

Wash any residue off lips after session.

Do the bottom teeth first as you will be salivating.

If you salivate, spit it out before applying product.

It's like trying to paint a wet surface.

It's not going to happen.

Good luck with your smiles!


I loved this product! i dont have time to whiten my teeth everyday so to be able to do it in three or a weekend was awesome... ive done the white strips and i got the same if not better results in way less time, so for me it was totally worth it. i also have sensitive gums an usually products like this hurt them or make them sensitive but this didnt bother me at all... i totally recommend this to everyone!

Buy Luster 2 Minute White Kit: Accelerator Mouth Rinse & Super Whitener Gel Now

I just finished my 1st day application and I quickly saw a difference in the color of my teeth. I wanted to make sure I wasn't seeing things or having wishful thinking so I asked my 6 yr old son (whom is not acquainted with sarcasm or lying) to tell me what color number my teeth were before starting the product. We sat by the window as to get much outdoor sun light. He stated they were about an 8 or 9. I estimated about the same after getting a mirror. Now, my teeth have been abused from 15 years of smoking, on and off mornings of coffee and tea, and I love red wine.

I started part one (swishing the activating rinse, quickly put small rolled up pieces of cotton between my lips and gums (so the whitening gel wouldn't touch my lips or gums and to prevent saliva from interfering). After the 10 min I quickly repeated steps 1 and 2 as instructed. By the time I had step to a couple min in, I noticed my teeth were brighter but to make sure, I fished the last 10 min and went to my son to ask if there was a difference in color. He held up the color card and said I was at a 4 or 5. THIS WAS AFTER ONE USE AND A LOT OF PREVIOUS ABUSE! I compared it myself and he was right. I can't wait to try it tomorrow again!

NOTE: I am not the only person to leave a review advising to to put gauze, roll a bit of toilet paper, or use small pieces of cotton balls between your lips, cheeks, and gums. It has a slight burn if exposed to the gums too long. It does go away shortly after the process is finished. This is the ONLY reason I gave it a 4 star.

Ok so after the wknd was over and also the whitening, I didn't get too much lighter. I also never got sensitive teeth or gums from this either and my teeth normally react to EVERYTHING. I did fallow up a few days later with Crest 2hr white strips and HOLY COW did they ever get white! My teeth got ridiculous white lol I went to a club with black lights and my teeth were so white they glowed bright like a new white t-shirt in black light. I wrote a review for the Crest 2 hr white strips too if anyone wants to check it out.

Read Best Reviews of Luster 2 Minute White Kit: Accelerator Mouth Rinse & Super Whitener Gel Here

I'm hesitant about whitening products b/c of sensitivity but this one actually worked without the sensitivity. I noticed a difference quickly. I now have a whiter smile and would recommend this product to anyone!!

Want Luster 2 Minute White Kit: Accelerator Mouth Rinse & Super Whitener Gel Discount?

i bought this product because it was on sale and i was actually pretty impressed with the results. all you have to do is rinse with the accelerator rinse then apply the gel. it was a little strange to not have anything covering my teeth because i felt like my saliva was washing it away but the taste isn't bad at all, its kind of minty. after the third day my teeth looked a few shades whiter so i was pretty satisfied. i would probaby buy it again.


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