• Don't be fooled by the low price!This is our X-Mas Special.This is a Professional Grade Mouth Guard.
  • Designed to fit upper teeth, made in USA with FDA approved material
  • This is a Custom fitted night guard, no boil and bite
  • Designed to last a long time and same quality you would typicall pay $300 to $500 at a dentist office
  • You get an upper mouth guard with storage container

The device I received was defective.It has painfully sharp edges and an uncomfortable ridge right where the tongue rests. I can not keep it in my mouth for more than a few seconds without it being overly irritating.

Buyer beware you may get a good product.But if you do not, the company will not work with you to correct the problem.Also, please note there are no instructions for what to do if you are unhappy you are on your own and out $60.


Well it took a little time, but Amazon pulled through for me (thanks Amazon you guys rock!).I submitted a claim file, which was originally "refused" by Amazon after they contacted "Touch of White Smile".I then submitted a rather lengthy rebuttal to Amazon, indicating my position and clearly communicating all the facts.Amazon looked into the matter and after a more careful review they agreed with my position and provided a full refund.It is unfortunate that the folks at "Touch of White Smile" could not have been more sensitive to their customers and done this on their own.

Like I said originally Buyer Beware!

** UPDATE #2 **

I have to question the validity of many of these other "reviews".Seriously, the vast majority of these reviews are by single review, reviewers (I know sounds odd). But just take a look at all of the people who have signed up, posted a single & positive review about this one item and nothing else EVER.It is more than a little strange, it is scandalous.

** UPDATE #3 **

I would like to advise Amazon buyers on a sensitive topic and that is unscrupulous reviews.There is a reason why I keep coming back to this particular item & seller and that is because I have serious questions about the vast majority of reviews on this product.Here is what you should look out for on any item for sale (Amazon or otherwise)...

1 For positive or negative reviews, is the reviewer a real person?Have they reviewed multiple items or just one?Take a look at many of the reviewers for this product and you will find that many people signed up, checked in wrote one positive review and then never, ever commented on anything ever again. I have called out this seller on this topic many times over and I have noticed a new trend.Read on...

2 People who make a positive review for one product and then have an unusual flurry of reviews clustered around the same date or dates.Nothing prior and then they fall silent.This appears to be the "new normal" for this product.Check it out; you will see a 4 or 5 for this product plus a few other reviews for random stuff usually on or near the same day and then nothing again.A genuine reviewer will have a broad range of views over a long period of time.

Bottom line is that if a seller goes to great pains to post misleading reviews, how trust worthy is the seller in general?Makes me wonder which is why I repeat BUYER BEWARE.I hope this helps.


[Sorry that I am kind of lazy in writing reviews -I usually do not write reviews, because I agree with most reviews with the products I have purchased on Amazon.However, I have decided this time that I need to write a review for this product, because this product has some serious problems, at least in my opinion, and that has not been mentioned by other reviewers.It is very possible that many other reviewers have not realized the problem with this product yet.See my review below -how often you would lift your upper lip to examine your upper gums?]

Background Information:


I purchased this product in late July 2011.It took about 2 weeks for me receive the molding kit.Another 2~3 weeks for me to receive the actual product.I started using it at the beginning of September 2011.The product is designed to fit your top teeth, and it fits my top teeth very well.However, here are the problems:

1) It is VERY tight.It does not fall off during night.That's good.However, when waking up in the morning, I always feel that my teeth (especially several of my front teeth) have been pulled inward.It seems that the tightness of this product has made my teeth shifted, especially the front ones.This tight feelings of my teeth will last most of the mornings.By late evening, the feeling of my teeth will go back to normal.However, the next morning, the feeling of teeth shift will start over again.

2) After wearing for 1~2 weeks, I start to feel a little strange on my upper teeth.One day, I was curious, and I lifted my upper lip to check it out in front of a mirror.I was horrified at what I saw.I saw that my upper gums have receded significantly.With the gums receding, I saw these big gaps in-between the bottom of my upper front teeth.(For those who have already used this product, please check with yourself.People do not usually lift their lips to see this, and I am sure that I am not the only one have this problem).

I contacted this seller right away about my problem.To my surprise, the person ("Matt") wrote me back and ask me to use Google to do "research" myself, because he thinks it has nothing to do with the product.Also, he claims that [quote] "We are not a dentist and only made a guard that you wanted".The seller insisted that "The guard does fit well and is working to protect the teeth, it is not defective and custom to your mouth.If the guard was lose, it would fall out at night and you could choke on it.It should fit snug to your teeth which you have stated it does."

I concluded that using this product will cause more problem than getting the benefit, because I know gum recession will cause teeth to lose, and the daily teeth shift will fasten this process.Loosing teeth (especially my front teeth) is a lot more serious than grinding them (usually in the back).Also, I will check with my dentist (and this seller recommended that, ironically).

My Frustration


I am frustrated in dealing with the seller.There is no "customer service" from this company.I have emailed him several times, and every time he will only use the masked Amazon notification email to communication with me.Hence, this "company" does not even have a company email for you to work with, and there is not a phone number or a Web site.The only person replied my email was "Matt".

When I ask for refund, he refused because [quote] "So what sort of guarantee do I have that if I give you a refund you still won't create a bad review".That's a strange English, but I know what he means.He wants to make sure that the refund will be issued only if I guarantee to him that I will not write a bad review.No wonder this product has all of the 4~5 stars.No one has ever written bad reviews because this seller will make sure these people will shut up by issuing them refund.

For me, I am not getting the refund, and I am speaking up for the rest of the world to see.

Also, I strongly suspect that this company reuses all of their molding kits -as some of other reviewers have already suggested.The molding kit I have received included a wrinkled instruction sheet, along with the molding pieces.Nothing was sealed.Reuse the instruction sheet is OK with me.However, I just do not feel comfortable to use the molding kit that has been in others' mouth before.I had to wash molding kit several times because I just do not like the thought that these pieces have been in others' mouths before.I really hoped that I have washed away the gems left by others.Since the instructions specifically ask you to mail everything back, I know the pieces I have used will be used again by new customers in the future.Yikes.


When my dentists told me I had to get a guard to keep from grinding for $500 I almost fell out.I have have 5 fillings replaced because of my grinding so what am spost to say, no thanks..they got me by my short and curlies. Or do they?This product is almost if not exactly what my dentist was going to do.Create a mold, ship it off, get the final product, charge me $500 thank you very much.Now for $50, I get the same result and get a professionally designed grind guard molded to my teeth. I have posted images with notes above please check them out cause they are WAY better than the picture they use on this page. What comes with this product when you buy it:

1) Molding putty (2 containers blue/white that are blended together in mold)

2) Molds (1 large/1 small)

3) Prepaid padded envelope to mail back mold after imprint

4) Printed instructions ( bad picture quality on the pics printed on them but you get the idea)

Mixing/molding = easy just be aware when you push this into your mouth and push it up against your teeth the putty has to go somewhere when it is displaced.I found the extra trying to go down the back of my throat the fist time and had a gag thing going on.Popped out the mold, reshaped the putty to a more reasonable shape and had waaaay better time. The mold came out very easy.See above pic of results.

Sent back molds (they want back the one you don't use also) in the provided prepaid envelope and got it back in about 8 days.

Very happy with it, very solid, and looks like it will take the wear and tear that it should.Should I be proven wrong I will write an update with the life span.The clock starts today (2/14/11).

-------Edit 8/3/2012-------------

Still going strong.No tears in it which is saying something with how powerful of a grinder I am. Still fits well and the only thing I noticed is a slight discoloration (its was clear not it is kinda milky).I also find black moldto start occurring in the deep recesses of the tooth marks. This is NOT a design flaw just a wet environment and nature doing what it does best.I have found a small spray bottle and put Listerine in it.After removing it I spray the top and bottom with it and place in case...stopped all those nasties from occurring.

Also I had some comments/concerns about the sending back the molds I didn't use and whether or not they were possibly reusing the molds.I can't say one way or another, but don't think your dentist isn't doing the same.Since the company does not ask for a size of your mouth, they are sending a "complete" package and are just trying to get back the unused parts. Just sterilize them with Listerine or such before using if you are concerned.


This is way better than any mouthguard you can get from the drugstore. It fits your teeth perfectly and isn't bulky. I had problems with drugstore mouthguards falling out of my mouth while I slept, but this one fits like a glove and is comparable to something you could get from your dentist for much more money. I only had two problems throughout the process. When I was making my mold, I thought I needed to use ALL of the putty provided. I was using the small mold try and it was way too much. I was gagging and excessively drooling the whole 5 minutes I had to keep the mold in my mouth but I suffered through. I think I would have gotten a better mold if I had used less putty so the excess wasn't making me gag, but my mouthguard still fits fine. Another thing I don't like about it is I wish the manufacturer would have contoured the edge of the mouthguard that sits on the roof of your mouth. It's hard to explain, but when you get yours you'll see what I am talking about. It's not a jagged or sharp edge, but it scrapes your tongue whenever you swallow. I couldn't stand it so I heated up a spoon and melted the edge into a smoother contour and it's ok now, but I'm willing to bet the manufacturer could created a smoother edge than I could.

Save 84% Off

This is a top quality product and it's comparable, if not better, to what you would get from your dentist.


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