Lip / Cheek Retractor - Teeth Whitening - Dental Care

Lip / Cheek Retractor - Teeth Whitening - Dental CareI was looking for one of these to help my skin not get burned and walla this one works great I love it

I can totally understand the previous reviewers concern about the comfort factor, especially for a handicapped child. I personally own one of these because it came with a previous teeth whitening kit, so I and my family have used it. It does work beautifully (and I am looking to purchase another one), but it also stretches your mouth open to the fullest. None of my family has found it uncomfortable while using it (silly looking, yes, but uncomfortable, No), however after removing it our mouth has felt it was stretched to the fullest. I have learned to pre-moisten the lips with some sort of oil or Vaseline to make it less of a problem in the end, and all ends well. It really is not a prob' (at least in this household). I will NEVER go back to mouth trays for whitening again. Using this mouth retractor is by far the best way to go.

Buy Lip / Cheek Retractor - Teeth Whitening - Dental Care Now

My son is handicapped and his facial muscles are very random. When he got his braces (which was a miracle in itself!) they used a cheek stretcher and the entire process was so easy! I asked for one to take home because of his condition and how difficult it would be to keep his braces properly cleaned but they said that they did not have enough to give then out to patients (which i though was a real jackass thing to do seeing as my son has the problems that he does). So I ordered one (from here of course) and found that it was horrible compared to the ones used in orthodontic offices. This one was a pretty hard plastic that hurt my sons mouth so much that we cannot use them (I ordered 2; one for home and one for my mom since he likes to spend the night at her house). I thought maybe he was overreacting to the feeling of the thing but when I tried it myself I could hardly stand it. I expected something more rubbery...idk, maybe it was my fault for assuming that they would be quite similar. Either way I DO NOT recommend these for use on a child for any purpose. Perhaps they are ok for teeth whitening processes but for regular cleaning ease they are no good in my opinion.

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