NaturaRx Dentizyme Dental/Periodontal Support (1 fl. oz.)

NaturaRx Dentizyme Dental/Periodontal SupportAlthough I take EXCELLENT care of my teeth (I love teeth and used to be in the dental field) I had issues with multiple cavities and excess lingual calculus (tartar) buildup at the gumline. I started using this after researchingthe effects (negative) of fluoride. I went to the dentist for my usual checkup about 4.5 months later after starting (*did not use any other toothpaste) and didn't havea single cavity. I thought, "Great!...but I'm sure it's a fluke"....Well, it's been 2 years since I started using Dentizyme and I've had no need of fillings since I started. I also have noticed (and also my hygenist) that I have little, if any, calculusbuildup. I know it's a little pricy per bottle, BUT it sure beats having dental bills!! :)

I've been using Dentizyme for about a year now and I have completely sworn off regular toothpaste forever. Tastes great, removes plaque, makes my mouth feel wonderfully clean. I love this stuff.

Buy NaturaRx Dentizyme Dental/Periodontal Support (1 fl. oz.) Now

I picked this up because I've been looking for a toothpaste that doesn't come in a plastic tube.I wasn't expecting much, but I really like it!It leaves my teeth and mouth feeling fresh and clean, and tastes pretty decent.So far my dentist can't tell the difference.

Read Best Reviews of NaturaRx Dentizyme Dental/Periodontal Support (1 fl. oz.) Here

This is a great product I noticed a major improvement in my gums within two weeks.The only downfall at all is it's in a glass bottle and I'm a clutz. I broke mine in week's fairly pricey so I have to wait to order again but I definitely will.

Want NaturaRx Dentizyme Dental/Periodontal Support (1 fl. oz.) Discount?

Love this stuff. Tasty, more pleasant to use than toothpaste and gets teeth squeeky clean. A little pricey but lasts a long time. Glad to find it on Amazon.


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