Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening Toothpaste, Alpine Breeze, 4-Ounce Tubes

Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening Toothpaste, Alpine Breeze, 4-Ounce TubesI've been using Sensodyne's Pronamel Toothpastes for years.I'm young(ish) but don't have great genes when it comes to teeth, and had suffered off and on from tooth sensitivity as long as I can remember.In fact, you know how people joke that you never see little kids or "invincible in their own minds" teens complaining about sore backs or wincing at an ice cream cone?Well, they didn't know me.

The great thing about Pronamel is that it works.It WORKS!I used it exclusively for a few months and found that it really helped.It didn't work overnight, but I didn't expect it to do so.At this point, I use it a couple of times a week only, and switch around with a couple of other brands whose flavors I like better.It actually really surprised me how little other reviewers commented on the taste of Sensodyne, so I'll jump in: Sensodyne Pronamel tastes horrible.It's not nearly as bad as the older, non-Pronamel Sensodyne, so if you've only tried that, you may be pleasantly suprised, but if you're used to "normal" (Crest, Colgate, even Tom's) toothpaste, don't expect to switch to Pronamel and not notice a difference.

It's just sort of medicinal, I guess, and bitter.As I said, I've been using it for years, and I've gotten more used to the taste, but it's not one I particularly enjoy.If you've got painfully sensitive teeth, the two minutes of bad taste is definitely worth the rest of the day with no pain.When I first started out with Pronamel, I'd combine it with my regular toothpaste to cut down on the bitterness, which is what I'd suggest you try if you're having a hard time with the flavor.And, though your mileage may vary, I haven't found any of the Pronamel flavors to be significantly better or worse than the others.

Nonetheless, I really highly recommend this product for people with sensitive teeth.It works well enough you can even skip a couple of brushings (with the paste, not skip them altogether) and have the decreased sensitivity remain.Honestly, it works so well I can rant about its taste and still give it a 5 Star Review; if you're looking for a sensitive toothpaste, look no further.

This stuff works wonders. I normally don't have sensitive teeth, but right now I have a cracked tooth and it has been extremely painful to drink cold water. Water has no business being that painful. I picked up some sensodyne pronamel, OMG that stuff works wonders. Am currently on antibiotics and scheduled for a root canal, but the pain level has dropped from a 10 to a 1 in the meantime. I went back to my old toothpaste thinking that the pain level should go down with the antibiotics...nope. Despite the antibiotic treatment the pain was still excruciating without the sensodyne. I'll probably be using this for the next couple of weeks. I was so surprised to realize that a product could actually be as good as a commercial claims, better even in this case. 5 stars isn't enough for this stuff.

Buy Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening Toothpaste, Alpine Breeze, 4-Ounce Tubes Now

When my dentist recommended an expensive flouride rinse to help relieve painful teeth sensitivities to hot and cold (we live in an area that does not have flouridated water)I found the Sensodyne Pronamel to have a similar flouride level to the rinse.I was skeptical that a flouride toothpaste alone would work after all these years of using popular brands proclaiming their effectiveness (which did not help alleviate the increasing pain I experienced when drinking hot or cold liquids).To my surprise, after a few days I noticed that I was experiencing less pain.After a few weeks, the pain is gone.Amazing.And, my teeth feel clean and appear whiter.Yes, I sound like an ad writer but I'm not.This is a product I can genuinely recommend.

Read Best Reviews of Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening Toothpaste, Alpine Breeze, 4-Ounce Tubes Here

This product works just as well as any Sensodyne toothpaste, which is to say it does a good job of reducing sensitivity.

However, after poring over the ingredient list of this "enamel protection" product and an equivalent Colgate product, and being unable to identify any secret, powerful new additive for enamel protection, *and* noting the Sensodyne Pronamel is significantly more expensive than their regular line, I decided to do a little internet research.

"Enamel protection" is the latest in dentifrice marketing.What does it mean?It means the toothpaste has fluoride in it.But don't 90% of the toothpastes on the market today have fluoride already?Yes.

Save yourself some money and get the regular Sensodyne toothpaste it works great!

Want Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening Toothpaste, Alpine Breeze, 4-Ounce Tubes Discount?

I was using Crest whitening toothpaste for 3 months and made my teeth sensitive to hot/cold and hurt! Started using this, in 2 weeks the pain went away. Now Im back to normal and my teeth are still nice and white.Will keep on using.

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