Aquafresh Aquafresh Iso-Active Whitening Fluoride Toothgel Fresh Impact

Aquafresh iso-active Fresh Impact Foaming Toothpaste-4.3 ozI used to work as a sales rep selling cosmetic ingredients to major cosmetic companies... Meaning I didn't work for a particular cosmetic company, but selling its ingredients through a broker. Because of this, I had to learn about all of the ingredients... To the level of a cosmetic scientist. Much of it was an eye opener and little is known by the American public o areas that should be.

For example, Europeans don't use shampoos with sodium lauryl sulfate or sodium laureth sulfate because it's a cheap and highly stripping soap that's even used in industrial floor cleaners. But it's a high foaming agent and we Americans equate foaming with clean so we buy it and we have less knowledge about ingredients so companies throw it in. This is changing now that consumers here become more informed and you'll now see labels that say "SLS free" on products which equals shampoos that clean as well but don't use foamers that strip your hair and cause breakage. (I personally have glossy shiny hair because I never use SLS shampoos.

I try to support companies that don't use cheap fillers...

So imagine my shock when I read this label. I'll be honest, I got the toothpaste free with a coupon. I didn't read the label at the store. I used it. Very minty with an odd taste and a copious amount of foam.

First ingredient... Water. Less flouride than any other toothpaste I've seen. Half as much as other toothpastes. But it gets better. The toothpaste claims it has "iso active foaming gel". Guess what that is a euphemism for? SOAP! This contains sodium lauryl sulfate which is basically dish soap. It's soap in gel form. With lots of mint to cover it. Never in my life have I seen that in something you put in your mouth. And it shouldn't be there! But that's not all folks, buy today and we'll throw in artificial colors like blue #1, ( not needed in toothpaste), sorbitol, an artificial sweetner, (2nd ingredient after water since you gotta cover up the soap after all.) and saccharin which is sweet n low.. And about 8 other artificial ingredients. Artificial ingredients are normal in toothpaste but not all these. None of which are whiteners in this toothpaste that is claiming to be a whitening toothpaste.

Gets better. It's in a metal tube where you can't see how much is left for a reason. I got 17 small pumps out of it. Only. That's what made me turn the label over because it shocked me. Unfortunately I began reading the ingredients then.

But that's not the worst of it. Because of the soap in it it has, (I kid you not) the warning label for those who don't spit it out that if you accidentally swallow more than the small amount you might accidentally ingest in brushing that you should "GET MEDICAL HELP OR CONTACT A POISON CONTROL CENTER RIGHT AWAY!!" I am not kidding!! It says that on the label! Exact words! Go look!

On a positive note... Um... Hmmm. Oh, it's a pretty metal tube.

But with a toothpaste containing ingredients needing medical help if I swallow a glob due to stripping foaming soap agents... No thanks.

I'm shocked. Consumers need to read product labels. Especially this one. It scares me that a kid might use it and swallow a lot accidentally and what parent would guess the toothpaste is causing stomach problems or nausea?


I originally reviewed this with 2 stars, as it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth.Fast forward a couple weeks and I'm now pleased with the product.I don't notice the weird taste anymore, and it is whitening my teeth better than any Crest or other brand of whitening I have ever used... It doesn't feel abrasive at all, so rather than using polishing agents I think it is relying on oxygen or peroxide.

I am now pleased enough with the product that I will buy it again.I am leaving it now at a 4 star instead of 5 because of the terrible adjustment period that I don't think any product should have or require.I am leaving my original review below so you can see the kind of "distaste" I had for it originally...


Original title:A strange taste, texture and experience.

I was drawn to this by the dispensing and packaging having an interesting look.The first thing I noticed that was "off" was that the toothpaste leaves a taste of "stale air" in the mouth, I guess, when it turns from gel to foam.Maybe it's carbon dioxide, or some other outgassing happening during the foaming process, but it almost made me sick at first.

I've kept using it for several days and it's been not terrible to adjust to. The toothpaste is clearly less abrasive than other whitening toothpastes that have polishers in them, but that being said, the toothpaste seems to be making my teeth temperature sensitive like Crest White Strips do.

If you're adventurous and have to know what this toothpaste is about, it probably won't make you vomit, but otherwise it's kinda strange and in need some some further refinement.

Buy Aquafresh Aquafresh Iso-Active Whitening Fluoride Toothgel Fresh Impact Now

It's basically shaving cream. You put it on your toothbrush and it's a gel, then you start brushing and it turns into a thick foam and TASTES and FEELS exactly like shaving cream. I almost threw up while brushing my teeth with it, it felt wrong, it IS wrong. I checked the contains soap. No wonder it foams. I cannot believe they put this toothpaste on the market. My mouth does not feel clean, it feels violated.

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I have used this toothpaste for several years and have trouble finding it in the stores now. It works great and when I found it online I jumped at getting it!

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I've had problems with my teeth since they first came in. My birth mother got no prenatal care, no vitamins, less than adequate nutrition for a woman who's not pregnant to begin with and ingested various chemicals that were not good for me, her fetus. I was neglected terribly.Long story short, I was a sick baby who spent about 3 years on antibiotics. Between the effects of no calcium in vivo and antibiotics, my teeth have always been prone to problems...add to this the fact that I was diagnosed with MS 6 years ago and have been on meds that cause dry mouth ever since, dry mouth causing extreme problems with decay, etc., toothpaste and tooth care and I go way back.

I was curious about this and received a coupon, so I went for it. The first usage I put on the same amount of gel as I usually do with other turns out that was WAY too much. You need about a large pea size amount.

The minute you put it in your mouth and start brushing, it explodes into foam. It's kind of startling at first. You may find you need to spit a bit of extra foam out time to time. But, it tastes great and feels interesting with all the foaming. After I'm done, I spit and rinse as usual....and run my tongue over my teeth giggling. It was like I'd just gotten out of the dentist's chair! It was amazing! I'm still surprised every time I use it how well it works. My dentist even asked me what I've been using because my teeth are looking better.

It's a little more expensive, but a little goes a long way, and you're saving money at the dentist!

It comes in several nice flavors, in sensitivity formulation, whitening and a pro enamel version that help keep your enamel from wearing away.

This Aquafresh and my prescription fluoride gel are the only things that touch my teeth anymore. My hubby adores it too, and my 7 year old thinks it's hilarious to get all that foam in his mouth, so it encourages him to brush. Who could ask for more?

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