Well, I thought my teeth were white until one day....anyway, I have been using this for about two months and it does work!Are my teeth as white as the Hollywood Stars teeth? no, but they are about two shades whiter.I love the way my breath smells and mouth feels after brushing.It leaves a tingly feeling of "Calgone take me away.."Wait, this is not Calgone.Seriously though, this works. I did not experience the small beads that people complain about.Rinse your mouth properly and all beads and suds will be history.Buy this if you think your teeth looks like butter--it works.

My wife and I used this toothpaste and we were pleased with it. We noticed my teeth were getting whiter after a week of using it, and my teeth were a good amount whiter by the time we ran out. On the other hand, we did not see much of a difference on my wifes teeth. Her teeth are already very white and clean, so the whitening effect was not noticeable on her. I would definitely recommend this toothpaste if you have bad color stains and want to clean your teeth or if you just want to maintain the whiteness you already have, then it would be useful for that too.
Buy Crest 3D White Vivid Fluoride Anticavity Radiant Mint Toothpaste, 5.8-Ounce (Pack of 4) Now
I'm at the two week mark, and I can say I definitely see whiter teeth now.
I knocked off one star because:
1) It causes a bit of that peeling of the inner skin on the lip (At least for me. Brushing the lips with water after rinsing helped this).
2) It doesn't lather as much as most toothpastes I've used. If you're used to a lot of lather when brushing, this may take some getting used to.
3) 80% in 14 days seems like an exaggeration. Who knows how to measure 80% for each individual anyway?
Still, I'm satisfied with the results so far, and will be happy to continue using this product.
Small tip: brushing up and down, vs. side-to-side or a circular motion, gave me better results faster.
Read Best Reviews of Crest 3D White Vivid Fluoride Anticavity Radiant Mint Toothpaste, 5.8-Ounce (Pack of 4) Here
Going on 7 weeks since switching to this toothpaste, and I haven't noticed any changes in my teeth color. No comments from anyone else, including the dentist. I'm only giving this thing 2 stars because the flavor is nice and my teeth feel clean afterwards.
Want Crest 3D White Vivid Fluoride Anticavity Radiant Mint Toothpaste, 5.8-Ounce (Pack of 4) Discount?
I bought this product in December, and have not really seen any benefit.It seems like just a regular Crest at a higher price.
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