LumiBrite 32% Take-Home Whitening Gel Refill 2 Syringes 2.5 mL each

LumiBrite 32% Take-Home Whitening Gel Refill 2 Syringes 2.5 mL eachBest product I've tried. I found that I was going through the syringes pretty quickly, though, so I started putting the gel on a toothbrush to apply it to my teeth, then putting my custom trays on. Uses WAY less gel in one treatment, and has the added benefit of getting between my teeth a little better.

This is the best do-it-yourself teeth whitening product I have tried.....and that has been many.

I went to have my teeth professionally 1 hour whitened at the Dentist's office and was so disapointed that I went to Amazon and ordered this product as I had done before. The very first time used, my teeth were 5 shades whiter than what I had just done at the Dentist's office. I leave this on 1 hour which is more than the recommended time but I have no gum or teeth sensitivity afterwards. GREAT PRODUCT !

OH..and BTW, my Dentist sells this product to those who have the at home tray system for $50 a syringe so this is a good deal.

Buy LumiBrite 32% Take-Home Whitening Gel Refill 2 Syringes 2.5 mL each Now

I used to buy this from my dentist so I knew it was a great product.But, now that I can get it for a better price I love it!!

Read Best Reviews of LumiBrite 32% Take-Home Whitening Gel Refill 2 Syringes 2.5 mL each Here

This product is really amazing. I have tried all the drug srtore products, but none of them worked as quickly and efficiently as this one. I am very happy with my new smile

Want LumiBrite 32% Take-Home Whitening Gel Refill 2 Syringes 2.5 mL each Discount?

I made the mistake of getting this same product from my dentist however, I payed One Hundred & thirty dollars for it. This gel really does a great job. I didn't have and still don't have any tooth sensitivity at all. It is almost impossible to keep from getting on your gums and sometimes bleached the gums a little bit for a day (like most bleaches do) but it goes away and doesn't do any damage to your mouth. It works best if you have a well fitted mouthpiece. I saw results in 2 days. I've used products that cost this same amount (and more) that did NOTHING, I even fell for that light thing gimmick you shine on your teeth that makes you look like a complete fool. LumiBrite is pretty strong stuff! I went up about 4 to 5 shades.



Looking for a Whitening Gel Refill for Use with Teeth Whitening Mouth Trays? Go with your amazing white smiles for customizable and reusable mouth trays!

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