When I read an add for this stuff hawked by the likes of Danny Aiello (I kid you not) and "jet setters worldwide", which claimed all you had to do was brush your teeth (heck, even I can do that), I couldn't resist.This product is pricey and when it arrived I was a bit surprised by the itty bitty tubes and the weird directions which instructed me to use it on a dry toothbrush.However, I had already shelled out my cash and my teeth weren't exactly what they used to be so I gave it a go.
Per the instructions I applied just a pea sized drop of the toothpaste and another pea sized drop of the accelerator (which they say must be used with their toothpaste in order to work but, hmmm, I wonder . . .) and proceeded to gently scrub each tooth in a circular motion until the timer informed me that two minutes had passed.This wasn't nearly as difficult as attempting to keep my teeth dry for the same length of time!This two minute brushing, they say, should be done at least twice a day but after a few days I sometimes "forgot" the nighttime step and settled for a quick brushing with just the toothpaste out of pure exhaustion.
After just a few days I noticed a definite difference.My teeth felt very clean and were at least a shade whiter.Now, several weeks later I'm still using this stuff (it lasts forever because you don't have to use all that much) and my coffee stains are gone.My teeth are noticeably whiter but not that scary, blinding "Zoom" white that looks like you've just spent a months salary bleaching your teeth.
I highly recommend this if you have moderate staining and some extra cash.It's not something I'll buy on a regular basis but since there's no way I'm giving up coffee it is something I'll most likely need to use again.
The Supersmile Whitening System does its job of lightening tooth color, although you're never going to get those shining white celebrity teeth without veneers.Nonetheless, I found Supersmile easy to use and effective on achieving several shades of tooth lightening.It worked quicker than competing products, and, at the price, it should.Supersmile is still much cheaper than dental office whitening and achieves the same time limited effect.
I initially ordered the starter system.It was effective, so I then ordered the larger economy size for future use.Big mistake.The larger tubes use a thick plastic that makes it difficult to squeeze the last half of the toothpaste out of the tube, effectively wasting it.
Brush your teeth twice a day, rinse after meals, and floss daily.Still the best way for your teeth to look good and stay healthy.If you've got some yellow, Supersmile is effective in lightening the color and reducing the amount of plaque.Just don't buy the large size tubes.
Buy Supersmile Professional Whitening System, Small or Large Now
I have been using this product for approximately two years. I have tried many whitening toothpastes on the market and nothing compares to this. I was a smoker, I drink coffee and tea regularly and this product made my teeth about 3-4 shades lighter within a month. I will also add that I use this product with a Sonicare tooth brush and I believe that adds to the effectiveness. You can purchase it on QVC for a better price.
Read Best Reviews of Supersmile Professional Whitening System, Small or Large Here
I had previously smoked for 25 years, coffee and more. Tried shelf bought whitening toothpastes and even strips with no results. I could immediately tell Supersmile whitened my teeth. I can see stains from cigars fading away. Understand that this is not a miracle product, they don't exist. You will never get pearly white teeth like a movie star where you need Zoom or expensive Veneers from a dentist or oral surgeon. I knew it was worth my money when my dentist asked what I was using to whiten my teeth. They were astonished that it worked on fillings and even an implant. I eventually had Zoom done and continue to use Supersmile once or twice a day, preferably at night when your not going to eat or drink anything so you don't wash it away.
In a market full of scams to whiten your teeth, lose weight and more, this is as close to the real deal as you can get. This is no different then a car wax that promises to fill in scratches and swirls... It will. A little. Short of going to a body shop (dentist in this case) it's an affordable, effective alternative.
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I thought that the toothpaste would make my teeth super white. It did whiten them but I still have slight yellowing on the bottom teeth. I wish that this could be removed with this toothpaste.
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