- Hides missing, crooked, stained, broken teeth.
- Speak & drink normally, even smoke, while wearing.
- Can be worn over natural teeth, crowns, veneers & bondings.
- Measure width of 4 front teeth and choose size with closest measurement.
- Small (1 1/8 inches wide), natural color
highly recommend this product to anyone that can realize that they are not real teeth or real dentures , they are a decent , nicely done 40.00 cover up of bad/crooked teeth , thats all , it is not a miracle fix like some think , it works , and works well
Buy Natural Imako Cosmetic Teeth, size Small Now
Ok, I purchased both the Imako and the Secure Smile cosmetic teeth at the same time, because I was curious about which ones were best. I have gaps between my teeth and cant afford dental work at the time.Imakoprosvery easy to put on and are a lot thinner, so they do not stick out very far. They are also comfortable to wear.
consThe teeth are a little big and too white and the gums are a little pale. The teeth do not have a lot of shading in between, so they look like one large piece of white plastic covering my teeth from far away.
Secure Smileprosthey look realistic and more natural and have natural color (not outragously white and the gums are not too pale.)
consThey were a lot harder to put on. There is a "shelf" right behind the teeth, which makes them VERY low. I actually had to grind the shelf off with my husbands grinder in the garage so it would fit higher on my teeth. Once I got them to fit higher they looked a little better. They still stuck out a little too far, because they are thicker than the imakos.
My choice-Neither the imakos or the secure smile look completely fabulous. You can still tell they are fake.
The imakos look just a tiny bit better than the secure smile only because I have a smaller mouth and imakos are a littlethinner than the secure smile. Secure smile sticks out a little too far. I REALLY wish secure smile would not put that shelf on the back of theirs and make them just a little thinner, because their color looks more natural and realistic than the imakos. If you are willing to grind the shelf down and think you could thin them out a little bit, go for the secure smile. Imakos are already thin, but are not as realistic looking as secure smile.
For right now, I will be wearing the Imakos, only because secure smile sticks out too far.
Read Best Reviews of Natural Imako Cosmetic Teeth, size Small Here
Okay, so I have decently healthy teeth. No gum disease, no decay and I haven't had cavities since I was in 6th grade. (I'm 23 now) However, my teeth are very crooked and extremly crowded. And the "smiling teeth" in my front unfortunately are the most crooked. I will eventually be getting my teeth corrected over the next few years. So, I wanted something to make me look good between now & then. I'm also getting married in 7 months and I want to smile happily in my wedding photos without being worried about how my teeth look.When I looked up cosmetic teeth I found 3 options. Imakos were the first I saw, Secure Smile was second and then I saw the Snap-On Smile. The Snap-On smile looks great and involves a professional dental impression and they offer both uppers and lowers, if you have an extra $1,000-$3,000 laying around, go for it...I didn't have a ton of extra cash. The Secure Smile looked alright. They looked huge though and I have a small mouth, duh crowding teeth lol And I found quite a few bad reviews online, one of the videos I found on youtube is what really convinced me not to spend money on them. Just go to Youtube and type in "Real Review on the Secure Smile". The Imakos looked good, thin and affordable. I loved the option of picking a smaller size. So I ordered the small natural teeth. And I'm very happy. :)
First, you must realize these are fake teeth with no dentistry involved. And no matter what brand you buy, fake teeth are never going to look as realistic as your real teeth. Be realistic in your expectations. These aren't Hollywood quality veneers. And they're not a dental appliance. You cannot eat with these or drink hot beverages. I, personally have no problem drinking water throughout the day or sucking on a small tic-tac/altoid. Take them out before you eat and put them back in afterwards, they're incredibly easy to take on and off. These teeth are made of a rubbery material, they're soft but durable. Now, I've read that people don't like the fact that you can't eat with these. Would I love to be able to eat in these? Well, yeah! I hate that I go out with friends and have straight teeth first half of the night and crazy crooked teeth while eating, and then straight teeth again second half of the night lol but you just can't eat with them in. I've tried and I seriously can't chew with them in. But having been made fun of for my teeth my whole life, not being able to eat with these is a small con. Especially since these still allow me to talk, laugh and smile with confidence. I've never had that before with my crooked teeth.
Second, fitting takes some time. Be patient and don't try to rush it. I spent almost 3 hours getting the perfect fit. I'd try a few imes, walk away from it when I started to get frustrated and then I'd go back to it again after some time. But once you get the perfect fit, you never have to mess with it again. And the material is soft, so they can easily be molded and cut to fit. Once they're fitted they look great. Honestly when I got them in the mail and saw them FLAT in the package, I was worried lol I was really worried they were going to look bad because they look really fake when they're in the package. So, wait until you have them fitted right before you judge how real or fake they look on you. Oh, and that pink fitting plastic they give you for the upper gum line. They give you WAY more than you need. First time I tried to fit hem, I used all the pink stuff. By the time I had my perfect fit, I had taken almost all of it off, that's how little of it you need.
I like these because they are thin. They don't buldge out your upper lip and they're comfortable. I sometimes forget they're there. They stay in place. Your speech won't be affected for long. You will have a lisp at first, almost sounds like you're wearing a retainer. I got used to it the first day I put them on, just practice reading out loud in front of the mirror for like a half hour. I do kiss my fiance with them on but no tongue, so we have no problem giving little kisses in public.
You will be shocked when you first get them in. It looked very strange to me at first because I've always had crooked teeth. So to see straight teeth in my mouth looked strange and fake at first. It almost upset me at very first because it was so weird looking to me but once I got them fitted and just left them in, I couldn't stop smiling in the mirror and taking photos with my phone to see how good they look...they look awesome in photos!! :) Which really made me happy because my main reason for seeing if cosmeic teeh was something that even existed, was for my wedding photos.
Third, I've read people aren't crazy about the color of the gums and lack of shading between the teeth. The lack of shading between the teeth is true but it doesn't look like one white strip over your teeth. They look healthy. The gum color is pale. Which, for me, is good because I have lighter pink gums (healthy gums). So they match better with my lower gums. But honestly, no one is gonna stare at your gums anyway. I got the natural shade of teeth, they're still very very white but I don't mind my smile being white. Especially since I've always had crooked not-so-white teeth. It feels good to know I have a straight clean looking smile. It'd probably look weird though if your bottom teeth are really discolored.
Lastly, these are healthy for your natural teeth. They don't cover your whole tooth like the Snap-On Smile, so bacteria won't get trapped and cause smells and decay.
If you're embarassed to smile, patient, and have realistic expectations, go for it! Give it a shot. I'm glad I did! They give me a level of confidence I never had before. I uploaded a side-view picture with my Imakos in, give it a look.
I hope my super long review helps lol :)
Want Natural Imako Cosmetic Teeth, size Small Discount?
I do not usually review items, but I had to let people know just how great these are.
I'm having problems with my front teeth.They have peeled and a couple of chunks have broken off.I would not leave the house except to go to the doctor.I just did not want anyone to see me like this.
I remembered seeing something called a "flip" on one of the kid beauty pageant shows and decided to look and see if there was something available for adults.I expected to pay upwards of $200 for something, but I was prepared to do so.
Imagine my surprise when I found this product at under $40.I immediately ordered a set.They sat in my bathroom for awhile because to be honest I was afraid that when I finally fitted them to my mouth, I would be disappointed.
I was not!It took me two tries to fit them comfortably and correctly, but when I saw myself in the mirror, I was ecstatic.I leave the house regularly now, and even my son has not noticed that I have fake teeth.They look so natural.My smile is awesome, and I am extremely happy with them.Okay so here's the scoop. I purchased the cheaper Secure Smile before I purchased this product. After receiving and fitting the Secure Smile I promptly threw them in the trash got online and wrote my honest opinion of them on their Amazon review page. Then, I ordered the Imako teeth. I was REALLY unsure as to what I was going to get after the laughable teeth that I received from Secure Smile. The Secure Smile may fit people with a bigger mouth, but they were not the choice for me.
I have one tooth to the left of my front two teeth that chipped about a year and has progressively gotten worse. I have no dental insurance and I am planning a wedding that I am paying for myself, so I don't have the money budgeted to go to the dentist. Obviously, I want my wedding pictures to look as good as possible, so I was looking for a quick fix to wear just for my wedding pictures.
I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the package with the Imako teeth today. First of all, I could tell just by first glance that they weren't going to be bulky. Yes they are almost flat, and they don't look as realistic as the Secure Smile teeth, but they do look real enough for pictures IMO, esp. pictures from a distance.
I will say that it took me about 11 to 12 times to get them fitting as well I wanted them, but once fitted they look natural enough for pictures. I would suggest reading the instructions thoroughly several times and going onto the Imako site and watching the fitting tutorial video. I actually did it wrong the first time, but I was able to refit them because the fitting material will remelt in "simmering water" as the instructions say. Don't be frustrated if they don't look write after the first fit, just simply refit them.
The people who wrote bad reviews either ordered the wrong size, got frustrated after the first fitting or were expecting perfection. If you are just looking for something to wear for a couple of hours here and there, these will work. Especially for photographs. If you are buying these expecting them to replace your real teeth you may be disappointed. I know that several reviews are worded this way, but it's an honest statement. I will not wear them everyday, but I will wear them for my wedding pictures and possibly my wedding ceremony.
My speech is a little bit affected by them at this point, but my fiancée and I both believe that after I get used to them I should be able to talk just fine. It's just like having a tongue ring in your mouth, anytime you put something new in your mouth like that it takes a little getting used to before you can speak properly.
I'd say these are worth the 40 bucks I paid for them for a great wedding pictures that I'm not afraid to share with my friends and family.
I uploaded a before and after on photo bucket. Here's the link to that:
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