WOW Spraywhite 90 Teeth Whitening Oral Care Powder

WOW Spraywhite 90 Teeth Whitening Oral Care PowderSo I have just finished using phase one of spraywhite 90.It comes with a whitening solution and a maintenance solution.The whitening solution lasted exactly two weeks.I will update this review when the maintenance solution is gone.Well the big question is does it work.Before I answer that I have to say personally my upper teeth are not too stained, while my lower teeth have been a little yellow for a long time, I have tried to find a reason for that on google but did not find an answer.I would also like to say, because of this problem I have tried several methods including a professional treatment to no avail.So now the answer to the million dollar question, does it work?The answer is on my upper teeth I got to a "1" on their scale which is good, but then again my upper teeth not a huge problem (I also did not note where my upper teeth started on their scale).My lower teeth went from a "4.5" on their scale to a "2.5" which is 4 shades.So it did work.However, I have yet to find anything that makes my lower teeth as white as my upper teeth.What I liked about about this product is that it was incredibly simple to use, no trays and 90 seconds of swishing and you are done with part one, and there was zero irritation.What I loved about thisproduct is the solution you put on your tongue after. They rave about how it freshens your breath and improves gum health.I know it has some form of baking soda in it so maybe that is why you get that just from the dentist clean feel.I think WOW has this product available separately and I may get it, when I run out (it comes with a 60 day supply).I guess I also like how it has a maintenance spray in a much bigger bottle that I assume will last much longer than 2 weeks.Once again I will update when that is gone.It is expensive though $125.00 here on amazon and up to $200.00 other places.However, if you take into consideration the ease of use, the inclusion of the maintenance spray (if it works), and those delightful dissolving powder packs, it may be worth it.I may try the crest 3d professional strips (that have gotten rave reviews and are much cheaper), at some point to see if they do a better job, but overall I was very happy with this product's simplicity and the bonus products which crest does not offer.The only place I found reviews of this product was onif you want to get other peoples opinions of this product.Here is my update.I used crest 3d professional white strips and found them to have superior results, and is much cheaper.You can purchase the solution you put on your tongue separately they are delightful.

I recently purchased SprayWhite90 and and tried it because as coffee drinker I have a little yellowing on my teeth. I just have the say that the product worked wonderfully! I used phase one as directed and it made my teeth 6 shades whiter according to their scale. What I also love is that the kit comes with a "maintenance" powder that I use every morning after I drink my coffee. It keeps my breath fresh (my co-workers thank me for this) and maintains the whiteness I achieved when using the spray. I saw some reviews on here with people complaining about the price. However, I purchased mine from and got a true buy one get one deal for only $39.99. It did not enroll me in anything and even has a money back guarantee in case I didn't like the product.

I would highly recommend that if you are a smoker, coffee drinker or just want whiter teeth that you use Spraywhite90. It is convenient and quick. Hope this helps!

Buy WOW Spraywhite 90 Teeth Whitening Oral Care Powder Now

I didn't purchase WOW from amazon, as this is NOT the correct & updated price.I get my ten day kits for $39.99.But I first heard of WOW through Instagram.woworalcare is now following you?I guess I had used a hashtag similar to their promotion #whatmakesmesmile

They complimented me on my smile and posted a link to their facebook where they hold a "What Makes You Smile?"video/photo of the week contest.I said hey what the heck, I like to have white teeth.So I submitted a photo and WON a free kit!:)

The reason why I went through the trouble of posting a review on this site, is because these are not accurate reports of WOW.It is a 90 second spray, and my teeth were 4 shades whiter after ONE USE.strips take several applications to show those kind of results.I love WOW, its not messy and my teeth aren't slimy or gross after using it.You spray it and swish.I love the powder rinse, it was weird at first cause you don't need water, but it makes you feel like you came straight from the dentist.It's nice because it doesn't burn your mouth or anything like Listerine does. :)

Read Best Reviews of WOW Spraywhite 90 Teeth Whitening Oral Care Powder Here

There is nothing worse in this world than dealing with strips that barely stick to your teeth, gels that taste gross and clump to trays that accumulate more and more old gel with each use. I'm a big fan of Spraywhite 90 because quite frankly, I don't have the time to sit around for hours waiting for my teeth to whiten. Because of this, I've found out about Spraywhite 90 which eliminates all of these pet peeves. Because of the 90 second spray application, I can whiten my teeth without a mess and in a comparably very short amount of time. Even better, I'm newly engaged, so I will definitely be gifting my bridesmaids with Spraywhite 90. I've checked out WOW on social media too and they are extremely active. Every week, they run a "What Makes You Smile?" Video and Photo of the week contest on their Facebook page where they give out on Spraywhite 90 whitening kit and one 10-application WOW Powder Oral Rinse for free.

They're also on my favorite social media platform, Instagram. Just add #WhatMakesMeSmile to join in on the conversation!

Want WOW Spraywhite 90 Teeth Whitening Oral Care Powder Discount?

You may be enticed by this product, but be sure that when you order anything from SprayWhite that you are not unknowingly enrolled to receive automatic shipments. I'm usually pretty good about reading the fine print, but I was not cognizant that I was being enrolled in an auto-shipment program when I ordered what I thought was a $14.95 product.It turns out, if I didn't return the product in a certain period, they would charge me $99.95 more.Even when I called to indicate I wasn't aware of the additional charge, they didn't bother to let me know I'd be getting a shipment every 2 months and charged another $49.95.I cannot comment on the product itself, because I haven't used it as yet, but be wary of promotional deals for it.


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