Dr. Bailey's Instant Smile Teeth

Dr. Bailey's Instant Smile Teeththis product is no good its like fake teeth and doest stay in mouth as well as to thick to even talk right no buyer imako is the best!!!!!!! they will not return your money on these !!! so dont buy!!

Go to dentaldestorations.com and look up " Hollywood Smile". They ARE the best!!! They are realistic like Instasmile and Secure smile (healthy looking gums) and the have the easy comfortable fit like Imako. Only $43 and some change. Well worth it!

Buy Dr. Bailey's Instant Smile Teeth Now

I received it and it says one size fits all well, they were too small for my mouth. If they had been bigger I would have liked them.

Read Best Reviews of Dr. Bailey's Instant Smile Teeth Here

i had fitted them and 2 weeks later they broke on me ......... waste of money ,, might as well say i put my money in the trash so to speak ,,,,,,, just go to the dentist when you can .. its very important not to get an infection . it can travel up to your blood stream and hurt you bad .

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I don't know why I wasted my money on costume teeth smh. I guess they are ok for Halloween. I would consult a dentist on what's better.


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