Watts Dental Super Thin Thermo Trays - 6 Pack - BPA free

Watts Dental Super Thin Thermo Trays - 6 Pack - BPA freeA few years ago, I had whitening trays made through my dentist.They cost about $150, and they were fantastic!After a year or two of use, they were somehow lost, and since then I've tried various strips and trays for whitening and haven't found anything that works even half as well.Even standard boil-and-bite trays are useless, because they're so thick that they don't retain the peroxide gel properly and it's difficult to breathe when using them.These thinner trays are great so far, though -definitely a very close second to my professionally made trays, and for the price, there's no question that these are the better option.They don't fit quite as closely as my professionally made trays, but they're snug enough to stay in place without the frequent readjustments required by other products, and they keep the gel in.It's even possible to talk with the trays in (though not very well).These are definitely the best of the many DIY whitening products I've tried.

Advice: The directions say to hold the trays in boiling water for three to four seconds, but I found that two second was about the longest that I could put them in the water without completely deforming them.I had to go through all six trays before I got an upper and lower with which I was satisfied.Make sure to slide the trays in so that your molars don't fold the backs of the trays inward -lumpiness in the back causes the front of the trays to fit improperly (although depending on what it looks like, you can probably trim the backs of the trays to fit better).

Overall, the best home whitening product I've tried so far!

I was very pleased with the results I received from using this kit. Word of warning, though, about these boil and bit trays: the instructions say to submerge them in boiling water for 3-4 seconds. In my experience, that was way too much. The moment they hit three seconds, they were already melting into a ball of plastic. For my personal uses, 2.5 seconds was the sweet spot that ended up creating very well molded trays. Maybe I'm just not very good at this, but it's a good thing that the package came with six trays (three pairs). I ruined four of them, but the remaining two were an ideal mold for my teeth. They're not dental impressions directly quality by any means, but they will more than suffice for casual whitening. Ultimately, I'm quite pleased with these. As the description states, they're definitely quite thin!

Buy Watts Dental Super Thin Thermo Trays - 6 Pack - BPA free Now

I purchased these based on reviews from other people that said they were worth the price as compared to other bleaching trays available and they were right.I lost the trays my dentist made for my teeth while traveling. They cost $300 or more to make.I purchased these figuring I would try them and believe it or not, they ended up to be just as good as the custom made trays...You need to carefully follow the directions but they end up being thin and tight fitting and very comfortable to wear.I won't bother with the expensive trays anymore!

Read Best Reviews of Watts Dental Super Thin Thermo Trays - 6 Pack - BPA free Here

Do not leave these in boiling hot water for more than 2.5 seconds (2 to be safe) or they will melt into a ball of junk.

They are good for the price, and good enough to do the job. You'll get a decent mold of your mouth, and they are way easier on the mouth then the normal clunky ones.

I had some trouble with getting a mold of my bottom teeth, could be because I have small bottom teeth. But still, it'll do for holding the teeth whitening gel.

Want Watts Dental Super Thin Thermo Trays - 6 Pack - BPA free Discount?

These thinner trays are awesome. you can put both upper and lower in at the same time. so thin, you practically forget they're in.


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