So next I put the clear gel onto each of the tooth indents in the mouth guard, which were few.The molding process must have not worked well because these mouth guard molds made it look like my teeth were deformed.Another thing, it is impossible to use 1/4 of the tube...I need to use a full tube for 1 upper treatment and 1 lower treatment.It just doesn't work any other way.Okay, so I decided to try and use this for a full hour...haha, that worked out well!First off, (this sounds gross) but the mouth guard just catches literally all of your saliva that I had to empty out each mouth guard every 15 minutes and then put it back in my mouth.It was disgusting.I'm not sure if you are supposed to wear both mouth guards at the same time, but I did.I made it to 45 minutes and then I gave up.I couldn't even bend over for fear of drooling.Ugh.
Okay so after my 40 minutes were up, I applied the purple gel.I used almost a tube for both treatments and left that on for 15 minutes.I did fine with that because it was only 15 minutes.Now, when I was finished and had rinsed my mouth, I was expecting to see a difference.Not anything too noticeable but something.I used one Crest Whitestrip about a month ago and even though the strip made my teeth extremely sensitive, it was worth it to take it off, brush my teeth and notice my teeth about 2 shades lighter (even if just for the day).No change with Spry White.I'm on my 2nd treatment now and I'm hoping that I see some kind of improvement by the 4th treatment.This is just too much effort to apply this without some kind of noticeable result.And also...I can't even talk while these are in.The whitestrips (as of now) were a much better value, even if they weren't "all natural".
So as of now, I'm extremely disappointed with this product.I don't think the developers of this product thought through this very well.Just my opinion.I'll post another review after the other 2 treatments.
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