Buy Fierce White 3 Day System by AsWeChange Now
I purchased this online and I should've known it was worthless.First of all it was discounted like 90% off retail with free shipping.Second clue: It came with a 2nd free kit plus a FREE lip balm.Lastly, the website is very vague on how exactly this thing works or who even manufactures it.Alright so I received the kit fairly quickly and was excited to revive my old pearly whites to their former glory.What I noticed right away was that boxes containing the ampules weigh almost nothing.I mean like less than half an ounce.As I opened the ampules I realized that there was barely any of the "Blood Dragon" fluid inside.Also the fluid smells horrendous; similar to nail polish and whitish/clear in color.As a reference, find some nail polish and rub it onto your teeth and tell me what that feels like.
When I applied it I felt a slight tingle and burn on my teeth and gums.The instructions state to rub it on your teeth, wait 10 minutes and repeat.It is a 3 several step process that includes an "Activator", "Whitener", etc.. Never mind that there is a warning label that warns against swallowing this hazardous substance.It's really hard to wait 10 minutes and NOT swallow hence I was drowned in saliva to the point where I drooled uncontrollably and had to use paper towels for cleanup.
The "Free" lip balm also smelled funny and had a dry application making it difficult to use.It also reminded me of those Elmer glue sticks that we all used as children in grade school.Again, as a reference, take a glue stick and imagine rubbing that on your lips.
In the end, I saw no difference and am now worried that I ingested a poisonous substance.In short, STAY AWAY FROM THIS.
Read Best Reviews of Fierce White 3 Day System by AsWeChange Here
I used exactly as directed and there was NO change in the color of my teeth. Mine have a yellowish tint but nothing so sever that these shouldn't have worked. I would not recommend these at all.I purchased this and was very very disappointed.It comes with 3 dual chambered units of POINT .02 fl oz and .01 fl oz. very small containers which you apply the primer on your teeth then the whitener.I decided to try this on only 1/4 of my mouth to see if there was a difference.The only difference is that my wallet became lighter.I'm very disappointed!Furthermore, my order came with a free Ladon's Fireball Lip Balm.This lip balm should have been marketed as a glue stick.It was the worst substance I put on my lips! then to make matters worse, I could not get it off!I swear it must have been glue or a measure to keep my lips sealed about their product. I would request a refund but there was no guarantee of the results.Don't get taken like me and get suckered into this company's products.
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