I would recommend that new users keep the solution on for less time in the beginning, gradually building up tolerance. The PF version also contains fluoride to help control sensitivity.
When first using the 35%, I left it on for about two hours, and I did experience some sensitivity. The sensitivity went away in a day or two, no problem. After using it a few more times, I am now able to leave it on for about two hours with no sensitivity whatsoever. I cannot imagine trying to sleep with trays in, because you definitely don't want to swallow any of this stuff. That's one of the main benefits of using the stronger 35% solution: Reduced tray wear time.
Since you won't be licking your lips or swallowing for a while, I like to apply a bit of chapstick to my lips, and have a good drink of water before getting started.
The PDF instruction sheet from the Opalescence website also states that you should use approximately one third to one half (total) of a syringe worth of solution to fill both trays. Good to know.
To target specific stains, I add a little extra to that spot on the tray, and I apply a bit of solution directly to my teeth. The syringe makes it easy to put the product right where you want it. Don't bother putting solution on the back of the trays, because no one is going to look at the back of your teeth.
The date codes were explained to me this way: The numbers indicate a month and year of expiration. For instance, V023 indicates that the product expires in February of 2013. The seller I bought from was Jawtooth.
As far as trays go, a standard custom mouth guard worked well, though obviously custom fitted trays from your dentist will work better. The mouth guards can be had for about a buck a piece in retail stores, but if you buy them on Amazon, you get three for under two bucks. Nice to have an extra in case of a misfitting.
The results this product produces are fantastic. I had a dentist ask me if my teeth were caps. (they're not) No kidding. I will use this product for as long as Amazon sells it. There is no reason whatsoever to waste your time and money on store bought white strips, solutions, toothpaste, or mouthwash. This product really does whiten your teeth much better.
Hope my experience makes using the product a bit easier and less intimidating for you. I'll update if I think of anything else helpful or relevant.
When I first tried the 35% it burned mygums . Now I paint the whitening on my teeth with a tinypaint brush and then put the trays on my teeth& noburningthey can stay on for 2 hours with no problem.
I had used this product before, but not such a strong solution.I was concerned about teeth sensitivity, but I learned the hard way that you must be careful not to let the product overrun the trays and get on your gums.And, in fact, I believe it states in the directions that you are to wipe off any excess.Having used the product before and having had no problem with this, I didn't read the directions prior to applying. Big mistake. The bleach in the produt apparently burned my gums so badly that I couldn't keep the trays in for more than about 20 minutes.Thereafter, I had to wait a few days to let my gums heal before trying again.The next time I used a much smaller amount and tired to thoroughly wipe off any excess, yet it still burned the gum area above one tooth which took about 4 days to heal.I have not tried Opalesence again.Read Best Reviews of OPALESCENCE 35% MINT TEETH TOOTH WHITENING GEL 4SY Here
I have used this product before but always used 20%. I decided to try 35% this time. The first time I tried it, I applied it like I would the 15%. Big mistake. This product is much stronger. I normally kept the 15% on my teeth overnight but had to remove the 35% within 30 minutes due to the pain and discomfort. When I removed the tray, my gums were extremely irritated and inflamed. I did not re-apply that night. The following night (and this may sound crazy), I applied a thin layer of Vaseline to my gums prior to placing the trays on my teeth. I still felt a little irritation but not nearly as much as I did the night before. My teeth are much whiter. I do recommend this product but I do not recommend the 35% version. Try the 15% or 20% first. You will thank me later.Want OPALESCENCE 35% MINT TEETH TOOTH WHITENING GEL 4SY Discount?
Works really well but stronge. You may experience sensitivity. I did two 30 minute sessions and I was done. My teeth were noticably whiter.
I never really got these kind of results from the white strips.I could have gone even lighter but I don't like that over processed look.
Good price for this as well...
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