Crest 3d White Vivid Anticavity Teeth Whitening Radiant Mint Toothpaste Triple Pack 5.8 Oz (Pack of

Crest 3d White Vivid Anticavity Teeth Whitening Radiant Mint Toothpaste Triple Pack 5.8 OzI'm hooked on Crest toothpastes and always try whatever new one they put on the market.Basically all of them are made of the same ingredients, but there's always a bit of variation.The White Vivid Fluoride Radiant Toothpaste, however, is my favorite (until they come up with another new one for me to try) as it leaves a really fresh taste in my mouth.I usually brush at least twice a day, but with this toothpaste, I'm brushing even more often.In fact, I even gave a tube of it to a friend to try and her opinion was the same as mine.

I have been using this toothpaste for over a year now, and I still love it!The taste is good, my dentist is consistently impressed with my dental health, and my teeth do look (a little) whiter after I use it!Especially the first couple weeks you may notice substantial whitening but over time the effect diminishes.Whitening strips probably do a more efficient job, but since we all brush anyway (right?!) might as well do a little whitening with the paste!

Buy Crest 3d White Vivid Anticavity Teeth Whitening Radiant Mint Toothpaste Triple Pack 5.8 Oz (Pack of Now

I thought at first Crest 3D White Vivid Fluoride Anticavity Radiant Toothpaste might be harsh on my now compromised teeth after a horrible injury and exposure to a detrimental drug.I thought the crystals might be too abrasive due to the fact that this medication I had been taking wore off so much precious enamel.However, my dentist actually encouraged me to continue using it and said it was perfectly safe for me to continue to keep using.I LOVE the taste and how fresh my mouth feels for so long afterwards!!

As far as my other friends using Crest 3D White Vivid they absolutely swear by it and claim noticing immediate whitening results and it's long lasting fresh minty taste.They say they all LOVE it BIG time!!

To help with my own enamel issues I alternate with Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening Toothpaste, 4-Ounce Tubes (Pack of 3) also with the help of ACT Restoring Mouthwash, Cool Splash Mint, 18-Ounce Bottle (Pack of 4) and this regime is working out GREAT!!My dentist also says my teeth are STILL way too beautiful to consider expensive veneers that could never duplicate the originals but I did have the front ones bonded recently which helped strengthen them allot and helped them appear whiter along with the regular use of Crest 3D White Vivid Fluoride Anticavity Radiant Toothpaste as the key word here is definitely "Radiant"!!

I ALWAYS had the most PERFECT TEETH ALL MY LIFE, no braces, no cavities, always implicitly care for, but about 10 years ago I experienced the most unthinkable and horrible injury. I'm extremely LUCKY my neck was not broken as I suddenly flew over my bike when a psycho who stalked me for most of my life, (even after I put him in jail), appeared in my path and grabbed the bike stem ->Yah, a Schwinn, not a motorcycle if ya can believe this and please DO as ANYTHING can happen when a sick obsessed PSYCHO is hunting you down ... My upper teeth shattered into my lowers when I landed like a swan dive in the middle of the street; I was very fortunate that because I have a 2mm overjet that my front teeth were spared.I had 18 fractures and my jaw was broken in 6 places. I was spitting out my own teeth for 3 weeks and eating baby food; it was one of my worse nightmares come true.Then I had to look forward to EXPENSIVE prosthetics, endodontic surgeries and multiple dental procedures and devices not to mention the endless PAIN, PAIN, PAIN and the fact that this caused me the need to take out a 2nd mortgage to pay for it all and now my also beautiful home is in danger I'm so upsidedown.->So buy Crest 3D White Vivid Fluoride Anticavity Radiant Toothpaste, Mint, 5.8 Ounce (Pack of 3) here at Amazon because it's the BEST VALUE by far you'll likely see anywhere, trust me, and you're going to LOVE it too!!


NEVER TAKE THE DRUG SUBOXONE FOR YOUR TEETH WILL SURELY BE DESTROYED AND IT'S VERY BAD FOR YOUR BONES, (especially if you're a woman), AND YOUR BODY IN GENERAL PLUS IT AGES YOU TERRIBLY AND YOU FEEL AWFUL EVERYDAY ONCE IT TAKES YOUR ENDORPHINS AWAY!!(Like the color, the music & anything meaningful has been drained from your world).As for your teeth you will brush the enamel right off of them and they will discolor horribly if you're lucky enough to keep them at all.

A detox doctor who did not know me from Adam put me on ridiculously high doses of this drug all because I had become somewhat addicted to high doses of Lorcet, (10/650 Viccodin/Tylenol), prescribed for knee surgery for about 9 months.I think I was his only Rx non-street using patient and had to deal with regular visits of being exposed to this awful element.I was a prisoner of Suboxone for 8 years and it took me 3 of them to taper down from 16 mg a day to less than 1/2 a mg.I am now elated to announce that after all this time of "dancing with the devil" daily, living through hell and doing everything possible to SAVE & protect my teeth I am Suboxone FREE and NEVER LOOKING BACK EVER!!

->Studies and research show that "No one should ever be placed on Suboxone unless faced with jail or death".

->Please do not EVER take this synthetic opiate detox it is by far worse getting off of this than it would have been any opiate pain killers or even heroine.And it's so obvious now it's become a major part of the HUGE SCAM to keep doctors and the pharmaceutical companies in business...->The business of it being much more profitable to keep people SICK rather than HEALING them; it's no news to the world but more people seriously need to PAY ATTENTION to this fact!!

Although this review is about Crest 3D White Vivid Fluoride Anticavity Radiant Toothpaste I sincerely hope that no one reading this ever comes close to going through ANY of this but at least you've been warned of these serious DANGERS regarding PSYCHOS & SUBOXONE that can very well affect your teeth and even your life.

**And please take care of yourself and protect those precious and gorgeous pearly whites ~ You only get one chance to!!**

Read Best Reviews of Crest 3d White Vivid Anticavity Teeth Whitening Radiant Mint Toothpaste Triple Pack 5.8 Oz (Pack of Here

I tried this product earlier this year and was very pleased with the results. I drink coffee, tea, and sometimes "adult beverages" which obviously can darken your teeth. Combined with my sonicare toothbrush, this toothpaste keeps the stains from getting out of control and definitely gives you a brigher smile. I also use the 3D vivid white tooth whitening strips; the combination works well.

Want Crest 3d White Vivid Anticavity Teeth Whitening Radiant Mint Toothpaste Triple Pack 5.8 Oz (Pack of Discount?

I luv this product my teeth are always white I only have to whiten them twice a year if that.


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