D.I.Y(Do It Yourself) Moldable Thermofitting Teeth Whitening Trays- 3 trays

D.I.Y(Do It Yourself) Moldable Thermofitting Teeth Whitening Trays- 3 traysAre you kidding? For the price these are great! Just because some people are inept with the use of their hands doesn't mean that the trays don't work. Read the title "D.I.Y." That means that you are responsible for the fit of the trays No, a dentist won't show up at your house, they won't fit right out of the package. You have to make them fit. What ever it takes.

I fitted mine several times before they were what I wanted. The instructions don't explicitly say that you can re-heat them and re-fit them but you can. I compared them to trays that my wife paid for from her dentist ~ $150 a piece! That's $300 for both. These are far better than the whitening strips They do what they say; they hold the gel on your teeth. Stop whining. If you want "better" trays be prepared to pay.

Unlike most of the reviews, mine is VERY positive. These do the job. Be sure to follow the directions and trim away excess pieces witha a sharp pair of scissors and you should have no problems.

Of course, at that price, I wasn't expecting anything extra special, but I did well with this product. Just be sure to read the directions..(which happen to be in about 8 different languages):]

Buy D.I.Y(Do It Yourself) Moldable Thermofitting Teeth Whitening Trays- 3 trays Now

After dipping these into hot water and fitting them, they only covered just my front teeth (about from the canines forward if you're curious). I was really looking for something that was like a whole fitting mouth tray without having to pay a dentist $250.00 or whatever they charge to mold one.

If you just want something cheap to whiten your front teeth, then this product should do the job just fine. If you are looking for something to fit over all your teeth (molars included), then you may want to look elsewhere.

Read Best Reviews of D.I.Y(Do It Yourself) Moldable Thermofitting Teeth Whitening Trays- 3 trays Here

Ummm, as others have stated.Trays are to thick.I kept putting them in hot water until they were molded.They shrunk to small to fit the back teeth and really did not form fit my teeth to closely.Better than nothing, but there are better options.As they say, 'you get what you pay for' !!

Want D.I.Y(Do It Yourself) Moldable Thermofitting Teeth Whitening Trays- 3 trays Discount?

These are just generic sport teeth guards, had I realized that to begin with I might have purchased them at a local store. They work okay.... I don't feel like my teeth have the right contact with the trays that they need to get the full effect of the bleech.You dip them in hot water then put them in your mouth and they shrink a little to fit your mouth, but not realy your teeth, just your mouth.If your going to spend the $$$ on bleech, its probably a good idea to spend the $$$ on better trays than these ones.(I ruined the first one, by putting it in boiling water for 6 seconds instead of 2-3 seconds like the directions said.So if you do get these take the directions seriousley.:)

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