Certain people because of the shape of their tonsils, eating habits, etc. are more likely to get these "stones."They are basically white little bits of hardened mucous / food / bacteria that form in and around your tonsils.I am not sure if it is entirely understood as to what causes them.
They appear as white little dots on your tonsils.You can manually remove them with a toothbrush or cotton swab, but they also form in tiny little crypts in your tonsils as well and are difficult to remove without some form of mouthwash.
I only even noticed that I had them one day when I coughed one of these tiny white specks up.They smell *horrible* and are the likely the main cause of chronic bad breath if you have it.A lot of people have them, but are unaware of them because they are usually pretty small, and are often hidden behind the folds in the back of your mouth.I brush twice a day, and still occasionally get them.
After doing some internet research, the best advice I could find was to use an alcohol-free, saccharin-free mouthwash.
I've tried a few different alcohol-free, saccharin-free mouthwashes: Biotene, Kiss-my-face, and this one.I'd give 5 stars to all three of the mouthwashes, because each one is fairly effective.
Of the three, I have to say that the Therabreath mouthwash is probably the most effective at removing tonsil stones.Each time I used it, I noticed a few of the little 'stones' dislodging from my tonsils.You really do need to gargle it for about a minute though to achieve the maximum effect.
The Cons to Therabreath are that the packaging, and the actual rinse itself gives you the impression that you are gargling some odorless chemical solution as opposed to mouthwash.It is also kind of expensive.
If you have tonsil stones, I'd recommend first using Therabreath to dislodge all the stones, and then transitioning to another alcohol-free, saccharin free mouthwash that is cheaper and more pleasant to use, to prevent them from forming again.
This was just recommended by a friend. Although I did not really have a big problem with bad breath, I did have occassional bouts with it specially when I eat certain types of food or drink coffee. What intrigued me was my friend saying it will remove bad morning breath which I could not believe.
Whoa and behold, it did work. Your breath in the morning will not be minty and fresh but there is absolutely no odor. Its like something neutral. If this is possible then it works wonders during the day without any problem.
There instructions say a capful twice a day. I actually use only 2/3 of capfull and only every morning and it works fine. This means that people with bigger breath problems could do it twice or maybe try some of the other Dr. Katz product along with this like the toothpaste if needed.
Be sure to gargle 1.5 minutes minimum as recommended. I tried shorter than that and sometimes it does not work as well...
Buy Dr. Katz TheraBreath Oral Rinse, 16-Ounce Bottle Now
My breath was so bad that people would move away from me when I spoke, which made me never want to speak to people or to feel obviously awkward when I did. I tried the rinse and toothpaste and I NEVER have that problem anymore. I am not shy about speaking anymore and I feel SO much more confident in general. This is a real dream come true for me. Abolutely give it a try if you are suffering from bad breath whatsoever.
Read Best Reviews of Dr. Katz TheraBreath Oral Rinse, 16-Ounce Bottle Here
I have used this product for several years and truly love it.No alcohol, no offensive taste, no burning AND it works!My only question is why is this product so expensive on Amazon?I now buy it at Walmart for $7.97 per bottle.The toothpaste is the same price.I hope Amazon negotiates a better price I would rather supportAmazon than Wallie World.Want Dr. Katz TheraBreath Oral Rinse, 16-Ounce Bottle Discount?
I have suffered from a breath "affliction" my entire life. I never knew of any non-surgical remedies for this. Awhile back, I discovered solutions for this problem area and have settled on TheraBreath as my choice brand. This has changed my life so much that I cannot count the ways. No longer am I embarrassed by seeing and hearing the reactions of people who catch a whiff of my malodor or even seeing them struggle to prevent from showing a reaction. True halitosis sufferers, you know what I mean.Please bear in mind that with this brand or other comparable brands, do not expect the taste to be easily palatable, at first. In no time, you will be used to it and will actually appreciate it. I use it twice a day along with the TheraBreath toothpaste and a tongue scraper (and flossing, of course). The process is not as long as you might imagine. My typical regimen is:
1. Pre-rinse/gargle with TheraBreath oral rinse
2. Scrape tongue
3. Brush with TheraBreath toothpaste
4. Floss
5. Post-rinse/gargle
I spend about 6-8 minutes both in the morning and before bed. IT IS SUCH A SMALL PRICE TO PAY to have a renewed sense of self-esteem and confidence in social dealings.
I have experimented with what skipping a day or two would do by returning to just your normal popular brand oral care products. I can feel/smell my natural malodorous breath return quickly.
I recently tried and then purchased the lozenges. They are merely small, individually wrapped breath mints but are GREAT to put one or two in the pocket when going out. You just take one when you feel your mouth begin to get dry. With other breath freshening gum and mints, you are frequently popping more trying to mask the scent. So you don't have to worry about carrying a bulky pack of gum, a roll of mints, or a can of Altoids. And one goes a LONG way. (For the record, I almost NEVER use them. I only keep one with me for "emergencies" but rarely feel the need to use it.)
Dr. Katz's website is informative if you would like to learn more about it.
Also, do not believe that this will give you permanent fresh breath. These products do not "mask" your breath like mouthwashes and gum do. It will ELIMINATE the REAL bad breath causing GERMS. If you do not keep up the daily use, those germs will grow back. But if you eat an onion sandwich or a squid-salad, that isn't bad breath... that's FOOD-breath.
This review is not for those who just "believe" they have bad breath. This is for those who have suffered greatly the alienation that is felt with the affliction of chronic halitosis. I am writing this review in the hopes that it will help other sufferers like myself.
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