Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste 75ml

Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste 75mlThis product was a super prize from my daughter and son-in-law after their trip to Paris! I was so happy to find I could order it through AMAZON after I ran out of my initial supply. I went without it for 2 months and really noticed a difference...my gums and teeth actually hurt. I do not seem to need sensitivity toothpastes when I use Elgydium. My daughter heard a work associate say she was so excited to find Elgydium on the trip because she had purchased it for her mother before and saved her from having all of her teeth extracted! Though I did not suffer from gingavitus(sp?)at the time my daughter knew I am always coplaining about my teeth! I do not know why but both the whitening and the regular version really make a difference!

I've been using this toothpaste for years. I don't think it whitens, but it does keep my teeth pretty tartar free. Every time I switch over to the usual brands, I get build up of stuff on my teeth. And I like the taste. Not too sweet and not too salty. I'll continue buying this toothpaste until I find one that actually whitens my teeth.

Buy Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste 75ml Now

I've searched the supermarket aisles for a great whitening toothpaste for years and have yet to be impressed. This toothpaste ultimately has earned my top honors for toothpaste choices. It is smooth, tastes pretty good, and last awhile. The only downside is that, along with all its competitors, it doesn't seem to produce white teeth. I keep hoping that one day when I wake up and look in the mirror, all my years of brushing with whitening products will have worked.

Read Best Reviews of Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste 75ml Here

Finally a toothpaste I love.It whitens and leaves your mouth refreshed.I'm not sure about the flouride protection, so I use a flouride toothpaste in the morning and this in the afternoon and before I go to bed.I am very happy with it.

Want Elgydium Whitening Toothpaste 75ml Discount?

I used to only be able to get this toothpaste when I visited France.Thankfully you can find it at a few retailers in the US now and on line.This is a fantastic whitening toothpaste.I've been using it for years.

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