Crest 3d White Glamorous White Rinse 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 3)

Crest 3d White Glamorous White Rinse 32 Fl OzAt least, it is the only one that I could easily FIND without alcohol I do live in a smaller town so our range of products may be limited. For many people, it is critical that a mouthwash not contain alcohol, as that substance is absorbed on the tongue, thus gets into the system even without swallowing.

I can smell/taste the hydrogen peroxide after use. Apparently the gasses travel from the mouth to the nasal cavity, which if I recall my anatomy training correctly, is logical. I am willing to put up with that if the bleaching action works because I am unhappy with the appearance of my teeth and unwilling to give up various foods that stain them. I am also thinking that I will use this mouthwash for a period of time, then return to my regular one. And plan to keep swapping off.

I have not (yet) noticed any of the adverse reactions reported by other users. However, I do feel the same sensations caused by the Crest Pro-Health "multi-protection" rinse I had been using prior, which is to say that a tingling is produced that some might even call pain. Because I've been using a mouthwash right along, I've come to expect this sensation and associate it with my mouth getting cleaner, bacteria being killed.

The bottom line is that my teeth are becoming whiter over several weeks. My marker is one capped incisor that unfortunately matched my teeth 'way back when and now is far too white, creating a telltale contrast. I think my aging teeth are simply becoming translucent and I'm not sure anything can correct that. But with this whitening rinse, they definitely are better.

UPDATE, Nov. 4, 2011: I want to report that I have been using this product daily for 5 months now without any of the gum-pain, bleeding or tooth sensitivity problems reported by other users. Apparently these are problems for some but not for others. I want to be clear that I don't doubt the reports of others; I am simply stating that with long-term use, I have not experienced these negative results.

So, other than brushing regularly, which I learned after a very painful root canal experience (it wasn't the procedure that hurt, but the events necessitating the procedure, that were torture), I'm pretty much brutal on my teeth. I have dipped Copenhagen long cut for the better part of ten years, usually a 1/4 to a whole can a day. I know. Judge me if you like. BUT! What I do is ALWAYS rinse my mouth out afterwards. I also drink a lot of coffee and smoke cigarettes fairly regularly. Now that you view me as white trash, I'll say this: my dentist told me that for as "much as you dip and drink coffee, your teeth and gums are darn near perfect." When he pokes and prods, I feel no pain in the gums. I attribute it to this rinse and others. My teeth don't look like a smoker's, and they're not dingy looking. They're pretty nice teeth, so Crest 3D white has been my counterbalance of choice for my terrible habits. Been using it for over a year, and I couldn't be happier with the results. I'm like that one guy: I see mouth tingling or pain as progress, bacteria being killed. I love this product.

Buy Crest 3d White Glamorous White Rinse 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 3) Now

Along with Crest's 3D toothpaste, I began to see results after using them for 1-2 weeks. However, at the same time, there seems to be a few cons to come with it.


-Worked for me! I brush my teeth 2-3 times a day and use the rinse morning and night

-Feels like it works


-The aftertaste isn't that great.

-Lost sense of taste to certain things. Foods didn't taste as sweet as before. This has happened in the middle of the day. Hours after rinsed with the mouthwash. Taste eventually comes back.

Read Best Reviews of Crest 3d White Glamorous White Rinse 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 3) Here

This is a very healthy product.I have used it for years like 10 or 15 years -ever since word got out that alcohol is a horrible germ fighter for the mouth.My dentist compliments me semi-annually year after year, saying "Whatever you are doing, keep it up."This mouthwash is safe and does what it says -without the dry-tongue and disease-making effects of alcohol, unlike Listerine, which not only smells bad but tastes bad and can cause illness.The mouth is not meant to retain alcohol as a cleanser for gum disease.Nothing can be improved upon Crest 3d White -except perhaps the price -but for that every consumer has the jaded. greedy and vicious Zionist-controlled Federal Reserve Bank to thank.

Want Crest 3d White Glamorous White Rinse 32 Fl Oz (Pack of 3) Discount?

Received in a timely manner, and in good condition.I like this product very much.Leaves your mouth and breath feeling clean and refreshed.Would recommend this product.


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