I am all about comfort. I hate the drooling, slobbering, mess, nasty taste, and time-consumption of other teeth whitening products that I've used. (Crest white strips anyone?) Even though I had never used Rembrandt brand before, I was pleasantly surprised with this product. There is a special mouth tray that you mold to your teeth, you simply dip it for a few seconds in hot water (I just microwaved a mug of water as if I was making tea) and then put them in your mouth and bite down. 5 seconds later, the tray has molded perfectly to your teeth. Then you take the trays out, squeeze some of the whitening cream into the tray, and wear them for 15 minutes. I used the 2 hour program while I was browsing the internet, writing some letters, painting my nailsand there was no drooling, or extra saliva in my mouth. The trays were big enough to keep the whitening product in the trays and not oozing out into my mouth, but small enough so that I could wear both trays (top and bottom) without feeling uncomfortable. It was very easy, I am very pleased.
The whiteness lasted pretty long too, I'd say about 6 months. And, I never felt any tooth sensitivity (cold/heat) afterward like I did with other products.
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