I showed the toothpaste to my dentist and he told me he was actually impressed with how white my teeth became just from a toothpaste. After reading the bottle though, he cautioned me to find a better toothpaste to use intermittently, particularly, Arm & Hammer's Complete Care toothpaste. As I said, despite religious use of the product, I still have cavities, and I don't eat much sugar.
Supersmile does its job far better than many other whitening toothpastes. I haven't yet found a toothpaste that could get my teeth this white. Just use it with caution, it doesn't have the same cleaning properties that most other toothpastes do. My dentist suggested continued use of Supersmile, but to use it only every other time; Supersmile in the morning, Arm & Hammer at night. My teeth still look great, and they couldn't be healthier!I absolutely love this whitening system.I use it in conjunction with my sonic toothbrush.I have tried many types, but this is the ONE!My gums feel great and my teeth have never been smoother and whiter.Try it you will notbe disappointed.
Buy Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste, 1.75 oz or 4.2 oz Now
Feel like I've been ripped off and the Dentist Inventor is laughing all the way to the bank.Been using it for a month with no difference in teeth.He ought to be ashamed and put in jail for robbery.Read Best Reviews of Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste, 1.75 oz or 4.2 oz Here
This is a third Supersmile what we are using. I am recommending to everyone. I have tried many whitening toothpastes before, but they didn't help. My dentist recommended Supersmile and my teeth are really white in a very short time.This toothpaste is really very very very very good for smokers, as well. This is the best toothpaste so far what we have use. Fast delivery. Good price. Happy for my purchase.
Want Supersmile Professional Whitening Toothpaste, 1.75 oz or 4.2 oz Discount?
I've been using Supersmile toothpaste for a little over 15 years and I will NEVER use anything else.Regular toothpaste leaves my teeth feeling gritty, like I can't get them clean enough no matter how long I brush.I drink red wine and coffee and ocassionally smoke with no staining whatsoever. I go to the dentist regularly for my semi annual cleanings and he is amazed that I never have any tartar buildup.My husband uses regular toothpaste and I have to buy him a new tube every few weeks.Because it's necessary to use only a pearl size drop of Supersmile one tube lasts a couple months, so in reality the cost is not significantly more.
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