I bought my Cyber 3 brush a couple of months ago, right after my dentist appointment for cleaning. They sold and recommended a Sonicare at their cost of $115.00, I looked this one up on line and at 1/2 the cost (at the time) I went this route. My teeth feel as good and clean as they did the day I left the dentist office cleaning. It is terrific, I have recommended one for my son-in-law, who has since gotten his. He is also quite pleased with his new Cyber 3.
I got this Sonic 3 to update my original Cybersonic toothbrush, which I've been using for several years.I wanted to try to 2X more "power" or brush strokes, that the newest model had to offer.I really like it!I had not tried the round brush heads before, always using the more traditional shape on my original Cybersonic, and I like the larger round brush head that came with the package.The smaller one is OK too, but I personally don't like it as much.I'm a "clean teeth freak", and this toothbrush is just what I need, without the feeling that the enamel is being brushed off with too much scrubbing.In other words, it is gentle but thorough.The "done-in-one" timer is not a timer in the traditional sense, but rather a slight change in the motor sound, almost like shifting gears, every 35-40 seconds...it took me a few days to realise that's what was happening!I use all of the attachments most of the time, but I don't like the flossers, and perfer the old fashioned way to floss.I highly recommend the Cybersonic 3 with the 45,000 brush strokes for the twice-a-day chore of cleaning the ol' choppers.
I had an original Cybersonic toothbrush that lasted me for years and actually did not need replacing.However, I liked the idea of a little smaller "footprint" on the bathroom counter and this new one is perfect for that reason.It also has a little dim light on it which serves as a nightlight.This model seems to have more power to it and is easy to use.My teeth feel very clean after use and I actually look forward to brushing!In addition, the brush heads are terrific.I knew what the small one would feel like but the larger one is fantastic.I'm a grown adult with a small mouth on the inside and wasn't sure if the larger brush head would work for me.Well, have no fear in that regard.It's terrific.I really like the round brush heads.This is a great teeth cleaning system and I do highly recommend it.The other attachments, which can be affixed to the main base if one so desires, are also excellent tools for overall oral care.So,all "pros" and no "cons" with this one.Hope this review helps!Oh, and on a hunch, I did get the extra brush heads even before I knew the larger one would work for me and glad I did it.
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