Philips Sonicare HX6063/64 Diamond Clean Replacement Brush Heads, Standard, 3 Pack

Philips Sonicare HX6063/64 Diamond Clean Replacement Brush Heads, Standard, 3 PackMy Sonicare was probably one of the best purchases I made all year. Aside from the looks of the tooth brush and the cool factor it has in charging, it is by far the best toothbrush I've ever owned. From the very first use, my teeth has never felt cleaner (except for when leaving the dentists office). With my personal preference of using Rembrandt products that has peroxide in it, my teeth has also gotten noticeably whiter.

As for the downside though, relating to these brush heads specifically, they recommend that you change your toothbrush at least once every 3 months. This I understand, but when you brush your teeth at least twice a day as recommended, they tend to wear out a little faster then the 3 month mark. Heck, even faster than two at times. This definitely jacks up the price of replacements by a lot. The indicator on the brush heads tend to wear out a little more then half way after only about a month of use. I do feel as if its still definitely worth it but be weary of how much you'll be shelling out a year on the cost of replacements alone.

Since I'm the only one in my household using a Sonicare, I don't have to worry about any color coded rings to identify which brush head is mine. Though, it's definitely a thought to consider (if there's multiple users) on how much money you'll be spending throughout the year if everyone in the house brushes their teeth 2x a day and all use the same types of brush head.

I would love to rate this 5 stars being that I actually do love the product but the star has to be taken off due to its fluctuating expensive price. As of 7/29/2012, retail is currently $29.99 off the Philips website for a 3-pack ($10/brush), Amazon is $35.16 (almost $12/brush) and Target's website says $29.99 just for a 2-pack ($15/brush!) with the 3-pack being sold out. Amazon usually does have the best prices, is normally good with its stock and does an almost excellent job with its Prime membership so I have no major complaints about the price here.

UPDATE[8/14] This product is a "newer version" of Philips Sonicare HX6063/60 DiamondClean Standard Brush Heads, 3-Pack according to Amazon and since there were no reviews already written I took it upon myself to copy my previous review to this one and help those who may be in the dark. I'm assuming they're exactly the same product, but when I order again I will update my review and note if there's any difference at all.

UPDATE[8/29] Just received it in the mail this morning, you can find 2 pictures I've uploaded in the product images. The only difference of this one compared to the HX6063/60 model is the packaging. The old one comes in a small box, this one comes in a prettier plastic casing you need scissors for (wish it was frustration free). Aside from that everything is still exactly the same.

Contrary to the product information on these brush heads, they DO NOT fit the HealthyWhite model of the Sonicare toothbrush. They will pop right off as soon as you turn it on. This is not Amazon's mistake the information on the packaging is incorrect. I have spoken to a customer service rep at Philips, and he has confirmed that this is a known problem. So save yourself the hassle I just went through, andbuy the ProResults brush head if you have the HealthyWhite model.

Buy Philips Sonicare HX6063/64 Diamond Clean Replacement Brush Heads, Standard, 3 Pack Now

I bought the Sonicare Diamondcare toothbrush after my Sonicare purchased in 2004 started to almost break apart. This was purchased back in February of 2012 and I have been using it daily ever since. In total, I have replaced the brush heads 3 times. Thus, when it came to replace the head, I immediately turned to Amazon. The prices were as expected as I have been using a Sonicare for a long time. The brush heads do an amazing job of cleaning. When the brush is fully charged and the brush head is new, there is a big difference in cleaning performance versus when old and ready to be replaced.

There is a wear indicator (blue) which wears down as the brush needs replacement. Philips says 3 months, but I only get around 2-2.5 at the max. However, I still try to squeeze at least another few weeks out of the brush head until it finally gets replacement. The brush heads do a great job just as you expect from Philips and it only requires a snap push in to the brush handle while as the older model had to have the brush head screwed on. When it comes down to trusting my oral hygiene and health, nothing beats a Sonicare Diamondcare.


+ Legendary cleaning performance.

+ Easy snap on and off from handle

+ Convenient 3 pack


Wears too fast.

Read Best Reviews of Philips Sonicare HX6063/64 Diamond Clean Replacement Brush Heads, Standard, 3 Pack Here

I purchased a 6 pack of these because of the low price, expecting them to be essentially the same as those that came with my brush. I was surprised to find that the Diamond brush heads not only clean as well or better than the ones I've used before, they are also easier to handle. The texture is a little different and glides along the teeth smoothly, making the brush head easier to hold against the teeth and manipulate.

Want Philips Sonicare HX6063/64 Diamond Clean Replacement Brush Heads, Standard, 3 Pack Discount?

I'm glad this head fits our Sonicare model. My husband is in dental school so we always look for the greatest new product, the Diamond head works great. I wish they sold 4 in a package there is plenty of room for 4 heads.

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