A few years ago, I spent about three months in Europe, and about a month in, my tube of Rembrandt ran out. Not thinking much of it (and because I didn't want to go through the hassle of finding good toothpaste), I started using generic brand toothpaste. After a few weeks of using the generic toothpaste, I started noticing that my teeth looked yellower. Upon closer inspection, I saw brown stains on my upper and lower center teeth! Granted, I did drink more red wine, but the amount of "staining" foods I consumed (coffee, tea, etc.) did not change... In fact, I didn't drink as much coffee or tea during those months as I do back in the states.
When I got back home, I had to use whitening strips to get my teeth back to the previous white color, and I immediately started using the Intense Stain toothpaste to clean out the stains (previously, I just used the green-boxed Deeply white toothpaste from Rembrandt). Eventually, my teeth retained their original white hue, but I was shocked that a switching toothpaste could have caused such a noticable change.
I realize that there must be other factors, i.e., my foreign toothpaste could have been exceptionally low quality as it was provided for me at no cost. But still, I've not used any toothpaste other than Rembrandt for years, and no matter how much coffee/tea I drink, I'm still getting compliments on my teeth.
Buy Rembrandt Toothpaste, Intense Stain, Mint Flavor, 3-Ounce Tube Now
Well, before I bought, I read the reviews, some folks said it was terrific, others said it didn't work.Well I honestly tell you, after one months use morning and night faithfully, I haven't noticed much diffference at all.I even got the whitening mouth wash too.Now I don't drink coffee, and I don't smoke, I don't chew, I have average teeth color for my age.But this honestly didn't work as significantly as advertised.It did however cause my front teeth surfaces to be sensitive and ache, so I had to occasionally place my warm tongue over them to stop the hurting on occasion.I've stopped using this product for a few days now and the hurting surfaces have stopped hurting and will probably donate the other two unopened tubes to a relative.Think I'll be trying a natural toothpaste now.I've been through so many others.I'm sincerely telling you the truth...but maybe you'll be one of those folks who get instant bright white teeth!Who knows.There's no gaurantee.Read Best Reviews of Rembrandt Toothpaste, Intense Stain, Mint Flavor, 3-Ounce Tube Here
After using my latest tube of Rembrandt Intense Stain toothpaste for a month my teeth were getting yellower, I thought, so I compared the new tube with an old onedifferent shape.I compared the ingredients in the new formulation with the old.The new list was more like my wife's regular Colgate toothpaste.The fact that Johnson & Johnson is marketing this as still a premium brand in the original box at a premium price makes me feel cheated.Want Rembrandt Toothpaste, Intense Stain, Mint Flavor, 3-Ounce Tube Discount?
beats crest and aquafresh who claim to make your teeth the whitest.This stuff really works and even for everyday coffee drinkers.
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