Seafresh Toothpaste by Jason - 6 Ounces

JASON Natural Cosmetics Sea Fresh Toothpaste, Deep Sea Spearmint, 6 OuncesThis is a huge improvement over any of Tom's variety of toothpastes, and a thousand times better than Crest or Colgate. For most of my life I have had painful mouth blisters on a daily basis and I couldn't figure out why. After researching the Internet for answers, I found the culprit. It was a synthetic chemical they were putting in toothpaste known as Sodium Laureth Sulfate. I was told that most toothpastes have it, and it has been known to cause mouth blisters (in addition to Cancer!). So my next step was to find a toothpaste that didn't have that nasty Chemical. Tom's has it. Even Jason Powersmile has it. But this toothpaste doesn't! After switching to Jason Sea Fresh toothpastes, guess what? I've had maybe 2 minor blisters in the last 3 months (that's very good, when before I was having a few blisters a week). On top of that, this toothpaste dramatically whitens your teeth. But one thing it doesn't do, is supply you with another nasty poison (a poison more toxic than lead) known as, Fluoride. I highly recommend this toothpaste.

I'm so glad that I found this toothpaste to replace the Tom's of Main Fluoride Free Natural toothpaste that I was using. Tom's was okay, but it has ingredients (like sodium lauryl sulfate) that are definitely not natural. If I'm paying 5 or 6 dollars for a small tube of natural toothpaste, I expect it to be natural. That's what I get with Jason Sea Fresh. It feels and tastes great in my mouth. I think I'll stick with this one for a very long time.

Buy Seafresh Toothpaste by Jason - 6 Ounces Now

I have quit using commercial toothpastes with fluoride long ago and appreciate the 'fluoride-free' variety of choices available.

Unfortunately, many companies (such as Jason, Nature's Gate, Desert Essence, Kiss My Face etc.) have been implicated in the past in 'green washing'...claiming that their cosmetic line was organic, while still using synthetic ingredients (keep in mind that Jason is not any small mom and pop owned company, but was 'acquired' in 2004 by Hain-Celestial Group controlled by HJ Heinz, the corporate giant.)

While I do not buy any other cosmetics from any of these companies, both Jason's and Nature's Gate toothpastes have been made with relatively safe ingredients without any harsh chemicals and/or fluoride, and I have used and liked them over the years.

As far as the SeaFresh flavor goes it's quite pleasantly tasting, cleans well and leaves fresh feeling in your mouth.

I would still recommend doing your own research and looking at the ingredients before buying, just to decide whether they 'feel or sound' good to you.

Given the choices available, I feel like this would be preferable one to many other, more popular toothpastes.

Read Best Reviews of Seafresh Toothpaste by Jason - 6 Ounces Here

I grew up a Crest kid and never could get the hang of Tom's or other natural toothpastes. They were always gritty or didn't foam much. Although I do love the taste of Tom's of Maine Antiplaque and Whitening Fluoride-free Toothpaste, Fennel, 5.5-Ounce (Pack of 2). The first time I used Jason Natural Cosmetics Sea Fresh Spearmint Toothpaste, 6 oz toothpaste, I was blown away. Nice and minty. Smooth texture. And so much foam, you almost choke on it! Now, whenever I'm stuck using Crest or some other chemically big-name toothpaste, I'm disappointed in the quality.

Want Seafresh Toothpaste by Jason - 6 Ounces Discount?

Great mint flavor!Smooth texture.I love not poisoning my family with toxic flouride!This is the best one out there that I've found!

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