There is no issue with these staying in place through the night.The taste reminded me of a peroxide toothpaste but without the mint flavor.The strips remove easily and the residue brushes off without a problem.As for the results, I definitely noticed a difference after Night 1, and more subtle improvements as the week went on.Overall, I am happy with the result.
I did experience periodic sensitivity, particularly to cold drinks, but no pain.
My dentist charged $50 for the kit but I see it is much less expensive here on Amazon.I used these immediately after a formal cleaning at my dentist, and will likely order a kit on a yearly basis.It was the first time I used this product and it really works. My teeth were noticably whiter with 1 use and a big improvement after 3. It doesn't really have good instructions, but most people who have used whitening strips before can figure it out. I will order this again.
Buy Sheer White Teeth Whitening Strips Now
the strips were recommended by the dentist as being a good product, they do seem to work. i have lots of dental work so can only use on the bottom teeth, i used them for 5 nights and got good results. the taste was fine and the strips are much easier to use than the drug store variety. however, i received my strips in late august and they have an expiration date of oct 2012.Read Best Reviews of Sheer White Teeth Whitening Strips Here
This stuff works great for me. Keep in mind that you have to use it more than once to get results. I am a daily coffee drinker and I buy these strips online and use them a few times a week until I get results I'm happy with and then I only use them when I notice my teeth seem discolored. I do not notice any sensitivity on my upper teeth but do when I use it on my lower. I tried Crest professional and my teeth were sensitive for days afterward.My friend is an RDH and she said that they tell their patients to cut Sheer White strips in half and stretch them a little to make the pack last longer. Works great for me and I get compliments on my white teeth all the time!Want Sheer White Teeth Whitening Strips Discount?
These work great. Does make your teeth a little sensitive for a short time. But not bad.Outcome looks great.
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