BreathRx Starter Kit

BreathRx Starter KitI bought this because after eating my favorite lunch : A tuna sandwhich piled with onions, I would sometimes not have enough time to freshen my breath before running off to a meeting. Gum just wasn't helping and it was really embarassing when people came too close. I'd just turn my head away ever so slightly to spare them the remnants of my lunch.

After a while, I noticed that nothing was helping and realized that my bad eating habits (skipping meals and not drinking enough water) and bad eating choices (onions, garlic, etc) were making my breath problem even worse. I didn't want it to turn into a chronic condition so I was so relieved and elated when I purchased this pack at a nearby CVS and tried it for the first time.

This product is flat out awesome. It starts working right away. I especially love the breath spray because it doesn't sting as much as you would think and you can actually feel it working. After two sprays you can check your breath by breathing into your cupped hand and it just smells minty freshy. Makes you smile and gives you the confidence to talk face to face with people or even go in for a kiss! lol

I also find that it reduces cravings as well and keeps your mouth moist instead of dry. A few sprays before bed time and you can kiss morning breath goodbye.

The toothpaste and mouthwash also have the same effect. The tongue scrapers are just as gentle as they claim it is and yet it gets the work done.

Basically, I would give this a 10 out of 10 because i've never been so satisfied with a product before.

Listerine and regular mouth wash just can't stand up to this.

It works. I especially like the mouth rinse. But as with anything, using too much of this might make the bacteria in your mouth and saliva grow resistance. So it's best to switch up products to keep that from happening. My dentist recommended something to me that's cheaper andworks just as well and it's called 'Crest Pro Health' toothpaste and mouthwash.

You can also look into spirulina, chlorophyll and wheatgrass. I am somewhat allergic to spirulina but when I did take it, not only did the odor in my breath subside but my bowel movements had no odor as well.

Buy BreathRx Starter Kit Now

Never before have I seen a TV commercial for a product that lived up to every single thing that it promises. Most of the time, commercials stretch what they promise, so when I came to Amazon to order this, I wasn't as excited as I should have been to recieve the item. I thought it'd just be exactly like some generic toothpaste and mouthwash that you could buy anywhere, with a flimsy toungue scrapper included.

Boy was I ever wrong. For one, the toothpaste is the best I've ever seen. As soon as you start brushing with it, you can feel your mouth getting cleaner by the second. Whereas with other toothpastes, I'd just feel like it was just covering up a problem, I feel like BreathRX actually solves the problem.

Although the toothpaste is amazing, you can't pass by all of the other items in the kit, because they are equally important to your new fresh breath. The tongue spray and the tongue scrapper are just fantastic. You can feel the tingle when you use the spray and how could anyone live without a tongue scrapper? Most of the source of bad breath is from rotting food in your mouth, and most people don't realize that alot of it is built up on the tongue over the course of a day. With the spray and scrapper, you can be sure that your tongue will be as clean as your teeth.

The mouth rinse is the final step that will assure you long lasting fresh breath. Unfortunantly, you'll know it's working the moment you put it in your mouth. I say unfortunantly because it really does sting after a couple of seconds in your mouth. Hopefully you can handle the pain, because the rewards for doing so are great.

Using these products together before bedtime will completely eliminate morning breath. That's not me trying to hype the product either. It's completely true. In fact, after using this dental care system, I couldn't use anything else. Nothing else lives up to it.

Read Best Reviews of BreathRx Starter Kit Here

I bought this because of the rave reviews it received, so I expected a lot from it. It disappointed me. I had been using Therabreath for a while, and then it stopped its effectiveness. I read somewhere that you have to cycle on and off with these products or your mouth starts the process of adaptation, making it less effective. Thus, I thought I'd give BreathRx a try. It tastes like a sweeter version of listerine, but same effect. The slightly minty, medicinal tasting effect doesn't last long and I'm not sure how it got so many good reviews. It contains sodium lauryl sulfate, which is known to make bad breath worse.

Here is some more info on SLS:

It's called sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and is placed into toothpaste (and some mouthwashes) in order to create foaming! (SLS is also the main ingredient in your shampoo go check it out.) The harshness of this chemical has been proven to create microscopic damage to the oral tissue which lines the inside of your mouth, which then leads to canker sore production. The microscopic damage and shedding of vital oral tissues provides a protein food source to the bacteria that create the volatile sulfur compounds of halitosis and taste disorders.

It also causes dry mouth, which in turns compounds bad breath problems.

Take it from my experience. This is just not worth the money.

I'll stick with Therabreath for now.

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All of the other mouth washes I tried did not last until morning, so I woke up with bad breath. Using this system, I wake up with perfect breath, it's really pleasant. The tongue spray/scraper is really effective (but don't scrape too hard, it feels like a sore throat the next day). The mouthwash doesn't burn too much and the flavor isn't overwhelming like some other types. I don't think the toothpaste contributes much, I prefer my own. But my breath is perfect, so nothing else matters, five stars.

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