Two problems:The packaging makes it difficult to remove just one,
and the plastic holder for the tips doesn't hold the new tips securely
so you have to be careful to remove (again) just one.These are replacement tips for the Waterpik flosser.I wouldn't recommend the flosser for general use.It's too bulky and awkward to use, making it difficultto get at all teeth, especially from the back side of the teeth.Plain Jane string dental floss is what I regularly use.
I have a very specialized cleaning need and for that need, the flosser works very well.I have a metal band between my upper 2nd and 3rd molar (3rd is the furthest back in the mouth).The band is there to keep the 3rd molar from descending.It's needed because there is no bottom 3rd molar immediately below it.The bottom molar had to be pulled due to infection.Because of the band, I can't floss between the 2nd and 3rd upper molar with string floss.To floss between these to teeth, I use the Waterpic flosser.I can very easily floss from the front, or outside, but have never been able to do the flossing from the back side.Nevertheless, when I last went to the dentist, the hygienist's comment was something like, "I don't know what you're doing but continue to do it."Thus, for my specialized purpose, it works very well.
For people with specialized needs, e.g., those with dental appliances, the Waterpic flosser might be a good idea.
I replace the tip in the flosser about every 3 days.They're easy to replace and not expensive.
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