The active ingredient in any toothpaste that is advertized as a "desensitizing toothpaste" is potassium nitrate. Potassium nitrate works by plugging the micro dentinal tubules that communicate directly with the pulp (nerve center) of the tooth. Most people have sensitive teeth because of gum recession exposing the root surface, (or thinning enamel) thus exposing the dentinal tubules. If the tubules are touched, exposed to sugar, or cold, fluid moves in the tubule and this is perceived as pain. With repeated exposure, potassium nitrate effectively plugs up the dentinal tubules to lessen or completely eliminate sensitivity.
This toothpaste will not work on teeth with cavities, or teeth with abscesses it only works on teeth with exposed dentinal tubules.
It is also important to realize that Sensodyne does not work immediately. It takes up to 2-4 weeks of continuous daily exposure for the product to work.
Sensodyne can be used as a "stand-alone" toothpaste, since it has fluoride in it, or it can be used just for sensitive areas.
Finally, the effect of the potassium nitrate will wear off over time, so it is likely one will need to repeat the treatment as sensitivity returns.
This is a great product for those with sensitive teeth.
Dr. Jim Koenig, DDSA few months ago, I awoke one morning with a very sensitive upper front tooth.Each time a cold substance (even a rush of air) passed over that tooth, it would send a jolt of pain through my mouth.
I was puzzled by this, as I had never had trouble with teeth sensitivity before, but on the advice of my Dad (a dentist) I purchased this product.
After just a few days of rubbing this paste on the sensitive tooth, my problem completely disappeared and I have not had any problems since!I now alternate brushing with this product and a better-tasting paste (the chalky taste is the one downside of Sensodyne) and that system seems to prevent any sensitivity from developing.
Make sure however, that whatever sensitivity-relieving product you purchase (whether Sensodyne or others) contains the active ingredient Potassium Nitrate (5%), which will fill in the areas in the tooth that are exposed to the cold elements.One benefit of this toothpaste is that it is made without sodium laurel sulfate, an ingredient often added to create foam.Some people find that this ingredient is rough on the soft tissue in their mouths and can cause canker sores.When I started using Sensodyne, the occurrence of canker sores in my mouth dropped dramatically!All my kids use it, too, since they tend to get canker sores as well.Watch out--some flavors of Sensodyne do havesodium laurel sulfate.I highly recommend this flavor!Tastes good--even the kids use it!--and foams plenty.
Having sensitive teeth from being a huge soda drinker as a kid, I cringed at even the sight of chocolate cake and was beginning to experience pain and agony at sugars, colds, hots, basically anything extreme was making me jump out of my shoes, looking for any reprieve that I could find.I tried fluoride gels, Act, brushing and flossing more often, and while all this helped, the thing that really made my life more bearable was Sensodyne toothpaste.Much improved from the formulas that were out 20 years ago, the new flavors are very good and there are many flavors to choose from (back in the day there was only 1).My personal favorite is Cool Gel, but if you suffer from sensitive teeth, any flavor will be perfectly acceptable if it helps your teeth feel better.Sensodyne works by filling nodules in your teeth with fluoride and it can be considered a type of 'patch' for the worn down areas of your mouth.Unlike other 'magic' elixirs out on the market, Sensodyne really DOES work and you'll never know how you lived without it!
Try it now and you WON'T go back!!
***** HIGHEST POSSIBLE RECOMMENDATIONI like this toothpaste.It has reduced my tooth sensitivity and it is an actual paste, not a gell.I do not like those minty gells so many have changed to.Be careful, Sensodyne does come in a gell.I have purchased some by mistake.
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