Opalescence PF 10% Teeth Whitening 4pk (Latest Product)

Opalescence PF 10% Teeth Whitening 4pkNo longer live in Downtown Chicago, but I still use this product suggested by my old dentist there. I had none of the problems others report, but perhaps that's because my dentist said to:

(1) Go easy on the gel. One small dot -a little dab will do ya -on each "tooth" impression in your tight-fitting tray. Then when you put the tray into your mouth, gently push on each "tooth" so that the tray/gel sticks to your tooth. Too much means the gel oozes up and hits your gums, which DOES make them white and sore.

(2) Don't leave 'em on too long. I did 30 minutes I think -watched a TV show -and could do that maybe twice a day, tho can't remember if I did shorter stints at first to get used to them.

(3) IMPORTANT! After tray/gel come out, immediately brush your teeth with a non-flouride toothpaste (we've got little kids, so that was easy). My dentist says that it "re-mineralizes" the teeth, which might seal them again and/or cut down on the sensitivity. Has to be NON-flouride toothpaste, tho.

(4) Other hints/insights:

+ Store unused/extra syringes in the fridge to make 'em last longer. It should take a while to go thru four of these, and room temps can cut the potency.

+ I worry about safety of whitening, too, tho know that because of concerns about chlorination -that hydrogen peroxide is MUCH safer than the chlorine that's in all sorts of bleach.

My teeth are hard to whiten.I really like Opalescence because it does a good job in a relatively short time.I was using the 5% before, and for me the 10% is even better because I only need about 2 nights, 3 maximum, for a really good whitening job, then can go months with just a one-night tune-up now and then.So it's lasting me even longer.Good product!

Buy Opalescence PF 10% Teeth Whitening 4pk (Latest Product) Now

I love this whitener.It's the one my dentist recommended and it works very well.Be warned,you may try a 10 or 15 % because it will make your teeth sensitive to cold or hot things for a few days.You should also be sure you don't have cuts on your gums.Be sure you have no cavities.You dont want any of the gel to hit those nerves. OUCH!!!! If it burns or stings when you put it on and doesnt go away within a few minutes you probably have a cut, burn and you should rinse it off and try again the next day or you should just try a 10% or 15% whitener.

Read Best Reviews of Opalescence PF 10% Teeth Whitening 4pk (Latest Product) Here

First, it didn't work and second the content of the last syringe was almost dry. I have used Opalescence in the past.What BRIGHTERSMILE is selling is totally different with what I got from my dentist in terms of whitening effectiveness. In my opinion it is better to buy from dentist at higher price or a reliable source rather than this company that provides a useless/defected but cheap product.

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My dentist suggested me to try opalescence gels with custom trays which I've worn overnight. I've been using them for 2 weeks and I got great results! I had sensitivity at first two days than its gone. I highly recommend this product if you have custom trays.

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